
It's a shame a corvid had to die for this bullshit.

PSA - red wine + white wine != rosé. We tried.

How about his drunk driving arrest and his fetish for asking to sniff women's armpits???

I saw John Cusack at a bar on the Upper West Side in 1991 and my friend asked to bum a cigarette from him. He turned to her, looked her straight in the eyes, and picked his nose. With gusto.

WARNING: This is an angry rant!

What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.

No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old

I completely feel you on this. Unfollowing Ricky Gervais was a sad moment, but it had to be done. I worry sometimes about losing Patton Oswalt this way, but then he usually comes back around.

I ran a parenting class, where many of the mothers were newcomers. Some were required to attend the class because how they disciplined their children "back home", isn't acceptable in Canada. As a child of immigrants who also used corporal punishment as a disciplinary method, I understood the confusion.

That's not as true as you'd think. Some people do that, others freeze or collapse, especially if they believe the child is dead. I saw one woman literally not be able to understand that we'd found her husband and their young child (and these were missing hikers, so no chance she was involved) for like 5 minutes, and

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them

I couldn't agree more. I would call the cops and consider breaking the window if I saw a dog locked in a car on a hot day, especially if (1) the animal was in apparent distress and/or (2) the owner did not return within a few minutes (and I would wait for a few minutes if the animal was not in great distress).

I've left my kids in the car for a couple of minutes if I am going somewhere I can see them, and with the air conditioning running. And my youngest is 4. Quick, someone call CPS!

I think the author is about to get fired, so no need for her to quit.

Thanks! Turns out she's a friend of a friend, so I updated the post. Your friend is pretty damn cool.

Definitely isn't fake. I know the person who wrote this.

I wish I could easily believe this is fake but I've heard far worse things shouted at my larger female friends. People can be so very cruel. :(

Can you 20-somethings and 30-somethings please stop calling yourselves "old"? Because it is pathetic, and, perhaps actually a little off-putting to those of us who actually fit the moniker. It isn't cute or funny or precious: it is just ridiculous, and self-aggrandising. You only say it because you know that you are

Can anybody explain to me where Captain Caveman fits into the grand scheme?