
He absolutely was! I've had many dogs. I adore dogs. I'm tuned in to dogs. My current dog is the sweetest dog I've ever known. All of my dogs have been wonderful with the exception of that one. And, if anything, I put more energy into trying to socialize that poor fool than all the others. Some dogs, like some people,

This is simply not true. I adopted a tiny puppy who grew up to be the most aggressive dog I've ever known. He was a rat terrier, not a pitbull, though. Even at his small size (12 pounds) he could do a lot of damage. I had to keep him away from children. We never abused him. We loved him despite his nastiness. We

I'm sad that so many of you think this was a win for the fatties. It wasn't. It was better than nothing, yes, but it wasn't enough and it was still humiliating to fat women. It should have ended with her dumping him on the spot. It shouldn't have portrayed her as paying him/bribing him to go out with her and then

GOOD! I wish I could go back in time and serve up a hoaxy feces cake to my bullies. Clever girl.

Last year my daughter went to a school that banned leggings. I recieved a call from the VP telling me she'd violated the dress code. I explained that my daughter wore leggings exclusively and I'd need a week or so to purchase her some jeans because she was difficult to fit. She'd gone through puberty early so she had

I see nothing wrong with this. I would have strangled him with my bare hands. Mia chose this over murder. That's self-restraint.

…This seems like a dangerous thing for a celebrity to do. I know nothing about Vin Diesel beyond this, so I don't know if he is supremely self-actualized or if he is almost medically disconnected from the realities of fame, human nature, and internet trolling. …But it seems to be working for him whatever it is!

My mother has cancer... I don't think I can look at this. I want to, but I'm scared to.

My chihuahua loves getting dressed. Chihuahuas don't have enough fur to regulate their temperatures, so they're always wanting a sweater or jacket or something. If these dogs are used to wearing clothing I seriously doubt they're upset about this. Plus, to everyone who thinks dressing up a dog is some kind of

I hope I live to see the day when weight is no longer a determining factor of one's place on the social hierarchy.

Oh, gosh! I can't believe you mentioned Merle-Norman. This same thing happened to me in a Merle-Norman when I was 16. I had money to spend and went there with a purpose, but nobody would help me. Finally one of the sales people told me that they were there to help paying customers, not kids who are playing with

How would you like to have a blanket placed over your face while you're trying to eat?

Until my husband was about 23 or so he had very curly hair, then it changed into mildly wavy hair that people see as straight hair when it's short. Naturally. It just happened. Nobody knows why. So... it's possible this is natural. :/

I think it goes deeper. I think it's not just about not wanting to fuck this hypothetical fat woman that's so offensive to so many men; I think it's also that it renders this hypothetical fat woman (THFW?) worthless in their eyes as well. If a woman's worth is mostly wrapped up in being an attractive pleasure vessel

My husband and I are similar. He needs about 10 hours and I need about 6. I feel like he's wasting his life. Even 6 is too much for me! Sleeping is like being dead.

When I was pregnant nobody gave a damn besides those closest to me. I didn't even have a baby shower since my best friends lived so far away. Is this stuff new? If someone asked me to celebrate their pregnancy in this way I would feel embarrassed for them.

I love makeup... LOVE IT. I'm kind of shocked to read that so many of you don't wear it and have no desire to wear it. I love painting my face on and always have. I started playing with it when I was about five and it had nothing to do with making my flaws less noticeable. It still mostly isn't about that. It's

I had a similar kind of father... And I'm trying to think of something helpful to say to you, but all it boils down to is that one day I hope you realize that your father's behavior isn't about you. You might have been and might be the smartest, cutest, most wonderful child there ever was, but that's not enough to

Tights are actual clothing. Pantyhose are just... weird mesh awfulness.

I'm older than you by half a decade and I wouldn't be caught dead in pantyhose. The few times I wore them I felt like someone's grandmother. I wear tights all the time, but they're different. They don't give me that spider-shimmy feeling on my skin that pantyhose do. They don't rip as easily. They feel like