
NO! It's important that she keep talking about it. Earlier today I was telling my (fat) mother and daughter how I feel like Lindy is helping to change perceptions faster than all the other HAES and size activists due to her being so otherwise mainstream... And she's smart. This is so important to fat people

... Been reading these for a few hours, but this is the one that got me. Oh, man... Oh... Just... oh, oh. How did you not scream and scream and scream?!

It's Stephen Fry!

Did you ever see her again?

I called and talked with the principal about it, but I got the feeling I was being pacified and that I was kind of viewed as a crack-pot who was saying crazy things. She said she'd address the situation, but then I never heard from anyone about it again. Maybe I should give her a follow-up call. My daughter comes

I'm going to tell this here because I've always wanted to tell this to people who are intelligent, non-flakey, etc., so that I can get some opinions about what's going on with me. Plus, it always creeps me out even though it's happened over and over and over.

But this isn't true. This isn't how diabetes works, contrary to what the media tells you. I'm diabetic, my daughter is pre-diabetic, and lots of people in my family have diabetes. We all eat whole foods, mostly organic, are totally sugar free.. I was raised sugar free and I've raised my daughter that way. I have

I bet I know who it is. Awful woman.

Oh, for goodness sake, it's not a national health crisis. That's a load of crap made up by the huge lobby that is the multi-billion dollar weight loss industry. An industry that fails by 99% to actually make people lose weight for 5 years or more. That's a fact. Why? Because you can lose and gain weight, but you'll

I once had a doctor tell me it's a shame I'm "so overweight" since I have such a pretty face. "But I'm sure your husband loves you anyway." No kidding. Someone said that to me.

My cousin in law is anorexic. I've spent time with her enough to know she eats about the same as I do, yet the family is so concerned and talks to her about eating more, etc. They don't encourage ME to eat more. In fact, I'd bet that they assume I'm eating more privately. The last time I visited them my daughter

YES! I couldn't eat less or healthier, yet I'm a size 24... and this is the lowest weight I've been as an adult. I never have eaten badly, have been sugar free for most of my life, yet I'm fat. It's how I'm made and a lifetime of trying to be otherwise hasn't done a thing to fix that. I'm so tired of being persecuted

It's such a shame you had to insult him by calling him a "fat kid in an old man's body" at the end of an article that seemed to take a broad enough view of beauty to understand that fat kids and old men can be lovely.