
haha, that guy in white shirt in shades and cap? He looks like his herding them along. "move along, move along... get that camera man!"

:o Must of missed the post. Should request add ons for the article, put it into the article :D Less dumbasses like me won't miss it XP

Eh, I need facebook account?! I'll skip it :/ Me no has FaceBook. (I got a handBook though)

Someone shut that company down. Hide your iPads, hide your money, hide yourself! o_O!

Such a memorable scene from Aliens. Whenever I do it with my mechanical pencil I stab myself ;_; Will do it again at work today.

PATLABOR FTW! Love the TV series! I need to see the movies! :D We need them machines more than a cute pic. Imagine having one chase after someone who just robbed a bank. lewl!

"[i]Looking at it, Birth By Sleep was a proper sequel, Chain of Memories was a proper se/prequel[/i]" - "[i]DS iterations of the Kingdom Hearts saga was utter garbage in terms of gameplay, story, and relativity to story.[/i]" —

When will we get to clone ourselves for body parts? Better yet, just parts of ourselves? :/

EXACTA! It's the only reason why I would get a 3DS. I hope it doesn't need the new add on peripheral o_O! GO! Two game I love in one! XD

I am like, Tamaki+Haruhi ( O_O)!

That's what she said.

I'm one of those background characters. (´・ω・`)

Man, if one guy decided to become a super hero in London, he ain't gonna last long ... — That kid ever tried to get his PSP back he'd be killed for sure. If I was in that position, I either walk away too or fight dirty before I die... lol

If saying that, its a ripoff if it's done by any other ethnics... lewl

People who are robbing banks could always use a white glove. :/

First steps in creating helpbots. Soon it'll will require legs and speed options. In a couple of hundred years time ...

Wow, Still looks interesting. I hope there's a early ENG release in EU. And in UMD format. XD

I still play MapleStory. Moved to EU way back when it Beta'd. Going into BigBang now. Major update to the game. Big changes to maps, job classes, monsters, etc. GUI changes etc. And that's tomorrow, around the corner! Wooo!

I love artgerms (stanley) works and stuff. :D

So, saying that we humans only access one side of our brain... could somehow access both sides will unleash a huge ammount of potential to evolve into a higher being?! (A smartish person)