I wish Destiny had one. Eurgh
I wish Destiny had one. Eurgh
there is also the arguement for simply coding your game efficiently. I'm sure we've all played games that had terrible frame rates for no good reason other than poor programming
I'll agree with you there, people watching movies don't need 120hz TVs, and when movies have artificially post added frames to them they look wonky, so that'll be where I agree with you in the framerate thing.
FFX is the jump the shark moment for Final Fantasy art direction.
I can not believe you're taking a stance on frame rates. Frame rates haven't been an arguable topic for at least 2 decades. Higher is better, period. And tying physics to frame rate is pedestrian at best.
Also there are folks who need the goddamn FOV slider to adjust it to somethign that doesn't make them massively motionsick after half an hour of playing.
I couldn't agree more. Have all my stars! I wrote basically the same thing for the Order 1886 "artistic direction" calling out on the BS that a lower frame rate is somehow more cinematic. In a passive film experience, a frame rate of 24 fps is perfectly acceptable, but in a game where I'm required to direct the…
The problem is that she isn't a gamer - she's not taking *gameplay* into account at all. Higher framerates, wider fields of view, etc. are all important in games in a way they aren't in cinema.
Don't get me started on the argument about Force Feedback in Racing Games. ;) Did you know we have entire equations on the iRacing.com forum discussing the amount of distance you can cover per FPS before your eyes would perceive the distance your hands are feeling? It's crazy.
Except Injustice is good fighting game and looked good.
Fighting games are pretty much the only games I care about anymore. But then, I was always in it for the gameplay. :)
Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.
Probably not the people playing murder or violence simulators, but I'm sure there is a niche group of people or they wouldn't make them at all, but I'm sure there is a little cross over.