
I'm a Muslim. You don't have to face Mecca when kneeling to thank Allah. Only when you pray.

Sorry fellow readers, this man did NOT credit his long life to first person shooters.

Vagrant Story and Bravely Default felt more like Final Fantasy games than many actual Final Fantasy games.

Sorry man, but this remake is actually quite amazing and an improvement over the original. It does the original justice.

The FF6 mobile remake however.... that one is garbage.

Nah, man it's gotta be online. It's built into the core of the game.

A mod that lets us play offline would be extremely welcome.

Don't you just hate it when a baby goes missing and then it's right there, sitting in your inventory? Gets me every damn time...

What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.

Samsung 840 EVO.

Samsung 840 EVO.

Danganronpa, one of the best games of 2014 so far, is on sale today for $20. I strongly recommend it to anyone who's into good stories. The sequel comes out next week—look out for our review then.

Yes. To all. The drug war has cost this country well over a trillion dollars. It's resulted in the incarceration of tens of millions of low-level, nonviolent drug offenders — overwhelmingly young people, poor people, people of color. It's severely damaged the relationship between the police and those communities that

Yeah cause Ripley couldn't have whooped your ass at the end of alien in her paintes. Women can't be sexy and powerful at the same time to you people. Powerful and strong means dressing modestly. Got it.

This makes me angry about the garbage they gave us on Android for FFIV and FFVI. I AM NOT AMUSED!

I would play the shit out of an FFVII demake with those sprites.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

Comprehension with this one is very low.

Should pay more attention to your newlywed wife...

That's 10 million potential sales that SE lost of Tomb Raider.

Sony making a game for PlayStation is a bit different than Microsoft buying a game for Xbox.

Great win for Microsoft; great loss for gamers.