This release is showing the divide between people who like video games, and people who play fighting games.
This release is showing the divide between people who like video games, and people who play fighting games.
This was before they were able to patch them post-launch.
For “gamers” I can definitely understand the sentiment.
I was with you up until the “ex” thing... which is very situational. I have ex’s that I don’t talk to, and some that are my (and my s/o’s, and family’s) closest friends.
You are stretching so hard...
And it’s because the idea is controlled by men... and women have very little if no say in it.
This time onebilliontyeleven.
Which is all true, but seems to be brushed aside as “generally this is a bad thing” in his answer.
For any healthy mature relationship, waiting longer to get married won’t hurt in the long run... however, rushing it can. There’s only positives to be had from taking your time and doing things like co-habitating, meeting family, spending time in each other’s social circles, meeting extended family, etc. ... that all…
There’s a good chance if your mom/dad had a cameraphone and access to things like facebook, text messaging, etc. that you wouldn’t be here right now.
You can’t compare 2016 to 1976... you just can’t.
This whole thing reads like some fucked up drama porn.
Because our primary system is fucked up and the media feeds off this shit like grey goo.
Most women I know are worried about tuition rates, access to healthcare services, and income inequality... and the candidate that is stronger on those issues is going to get their vote.
People who want butts and crotches should have butts and crotches... people who don’t shouldn’t have to.
If only they could have had June Foray voice Monokuma for the dub :)
You say the dub is good, but the critical central character, Monokuma, is infifinfintinitntinintinely better in Japanese, because it’s voiced by 82 year old Nobuyo Oyama, who also voiced Doraemon.
Shizuka Oka