
While bloggers are talking about how “problematic” this is for women... cosplayers are buying out all green fabrics from Joanne’s across the country.

Maybe the “Augment Your Pre-Order” thing was so they could use the extra immediate cash to Augment their Development Staff.

For the last time, dental health is not the issue... it’s the easy accessibility of toothbrushes that is the real danger in this country. When are we going to start having the tough conversations about brush control?

I thought this was going to be about how a couple saved money by not doing anything other than playing Civilization during all their free time.

Yesssss... give me all the j/jsRPG’s on Steam... give them to me...

Answer: Drink straight from the bottle.

The best Star Wars fighting game ended up being Jedi Academy MP.

Who’s this gender-swapped Dhalsim?

Nope. Persona 5 has yet to be released.

To.. raid it?

You have literally almost 100 palette swaps of Mega Man and you put him in all gold? You could have gone with “Rush” (Red/White) Mega Man, and you put him in all gold? You could have made a light-up see-through RGB lit Amiibo that changed colors when you tapped him to the pad based on what weapon he had equipped

Sorry Luke... they’re going to change this (and probably a lot of content in the game) for a western release.

Umm.... I have this beat by like 2 decades. When I was little, I remember some (idiot) in my school playground saying that they were going to make a Sonic game for Nintendo.

You okay buddy?

True, but you also weren’t re-sold NES games on the SNES during the first year of the console’s life.

No mention of the actual brains behind this segment, the bearded co-pilot sitting next to Conan in these segments. Aaron Bleyaert. This was his brainchild and his segment. He brokers the deals/chooses the games, he does most of the (what little there is) scripting, etc. Conan just shows up and does his thing.

It’s going to be okay buddy, it’s just a cartoon statue.

You don’t move your head to look up and down, you move your eyes, You are not Batman.

Yeah. but when you move a camera, you point in the direction you want to look.

Y-Inverters are an abomination unto mankind.