
YEP. I’m an NYC-based Catholic and my church is all up in arms about the new abortion laws (someone actually got up and said “and now women can have their babies ripped out of them and murdered at 40 weeks pregnant,” which.) and I’m just sitting there, muttering as loudly as I can that this is bullshit when they don’t

While the practice is abhorrent, nobody in the history of the world has ever invaded another country to help the LGBTQ’s.

I wish I could wear them to work!

Also, Maryann should be more concerned about her church’s record of molestation.

Explain to me the logic of asking other countries to respect you as you respect them but not having the decency to do the same for your own citizens.

Jezebel dares not criticize the root cause, which is a religion that throws gays off buildings, burns people alive, and drowns them by locking them into cages and lowering them into swimming pools.  Why does Jezebel support a religion that oppresses the very people it claims to champion?

Cant wait to watch liberals tie themselves in knots defending this because they arent capable of criticizing muslims for fear of being called racists.

Welcome to the year oh, about 1016 AD? 599 AD? 2 BC?

It is beyond insane to me that a government with a website is instituting such barbaric and medieval practices. What could they honestly ever hope to achieve with either this sort of punishment or from the abhorred publicity from the global stage that this will carry?  Is he trying to get invaded? 

Militarily, there’s little they can do, since they are a sovereign nation enacting their own laws, against their own people. At best the UN can vote to condemn the action, although with the current members of the UN Human Rights Council, you currently have some real winners in there :(

Uh, can the U.N. not step in here?

I would change races immediately if I could play that.

How about an article on all the great stuff that’s coming into the game in the next few months?

Gender locked races is at least something reasonable to be sad about, especially for the inconsistencies with the "but lore" excuse. Frankly, I’ll take ten people upset about this than a single salt-overloaded Healer bitching that Dancer is ranged DPS.

Yeah the powerful version is probably the same form factor as the normal switch to keep labo compatibility. so normal switch is probably being replaced. I bet it has a higher resolution screen for vr.

I guess I’d imagined the existing Switch staying put and another new model coming in either above/below it. But this effectively kills the OG switch dead.

It’s not more expensive for society overall, that’s the point. When you take the dictum to make profit--and outrageous profit at that-- out of the system, the entire thing is cheaper. Less money = less money. Not to mention all the time wasted shuffling papers around from insurance companies and providers. Single

That was my first thought too. I lived in Sweden briefly in 2013, and their healthcare system and access to quality care is exponentially better than ours. 300 crowns (about $45 USD) to see a doctor, and rarely anything else out of pocket. Plus tons of creams, pills, ointments, treatments, etc. that aren’t FDA

She followed up with: “Health care costs are too high that is true but comparing us to Finland is ridiculous. Ask them how their health care is. You won’t like the answer.”