
She’s a fuckin evil psycho bitch. She raped and killed HER OWN SISTER, for fuck’s sake.

Even if she is “never alone with children” she is normalizing herself to children. My kiddos see peeps who volunteer at their school out and about all the time. They alway s wave excitedly and shout “Hi Mrs. Lastname!!” (well, less so the son, but that’s middle school for you).

It seems like the school was aware of her history somehow, either a background check or she voluntarily told them, since the school’s response to this being publicly addressed was basically yeah she’s here but the kids are never alone with her. Though when she volunteered they should have just said thanks but no

Imagine being her victims. Oh hey - normal life? Nope you’re dead.

I mean her kids could have a pretty normal life if she laid low. Which f her version of events were true, I imagine that’s what she’d do. But she clearly doesn’t give a shit, because she’s not hiding.

I want to know about the husband. Who knowingly marries a fucking serial killer?

You know, it’s one thing for her to be free—that’s between her and the Canadian justice system—but I think it is entirely reasonable to say that a particularly notorious ex-convict should not be paraded around in front of children like some sort of role model. I have no idea what the school is thinking here.

Hey, how can children be trusted in the real world if they don’t have vital life experience like having to fight off a serial killer.

I think the issue is that it may not have been disclosed all that effectively to the other parents.

I mean, I feel like this is a very un-internet thing to say, but at this point, I just don’t have an opinion and feel like it’s between her, the school, and I guess the other parents. She was involved in some horrific things roughly 25 years ago, but what’s really in her head now is not for me to know or opine on.

I was almost positive the final producer was going to ask you out while still giving you a rejection.

I’m pretty impressed that you got a personalized rejection on your first round of stand up comedy! You probably do actually have a talent for it!

Hey there friend,

You pretending to be impressed by that spoon trick is a real talent

He’s not even good at hiding the fact that he’s bending it with his hands. Like, it’s just obvious.

Joanna, the kindness and patience with which you indulged young Alex was truly a sight to behold. My god, it absolutely emanates from your eyes, your smile, even from the tilt of your head. Had I been in your shoes, Alex would probably have needed to be confined to an asylum for the rest of his life once I got through

I pinky promise I will go back and read the article, but I first need to share my “reality TV 2 cents”. I’m qualified to do this bc my sister was a finalist on one of these shows and I saw Simon Cowell’s v-neck in person more than once. So two things….

Ugh, I can’t imagine what kind of horror show of a man my parents would choose for me. My father would probably insist on picking a “good Christian” for me, the atheist. My mother’s idea of attractive certainly doesn’t align with mine at all. Yuck, I can’t imagine having to sleep with someone I wasn’t attracted to.

That was one of my first thoughts, too. Had my (middle-to-upper class white Middle-European) parents selected my mate, I would be married to someone with a good education, a profession of a certain status, and with an interest in the arts. He would also, in all likelihood, be extremely conservative, a closeted

in India, two of my female cousins married “nice guys” in arranged marriages. Their parents chose the partners. Both of these guys turned out to be awful, abusive, and violent and both cousins had to escape and get divorces. Now both are divorced women living in India and my heart breaks for them because they’re both

My parents were very conservative first generation Italian-Americans. Neither finished high school. Both expected me to stay one until Married. Since I started trying to run away from home at age 7, that wasn’t going to happen! I got to college because they didn’t have to pay much (back in the days of nearly free