
I’ve never heard the phrase “politically correct” used in a way that doesn’t mean “let me say my racist/sexist/homophobe stuff without consequence".

Not really, I’m from Mexico where politics are a mess, but recently a politician (ironically the one from the most conservative party) as a way to attack one of his opponents accused him of breaking the law when he said “God bless us” or something of the sort, it seems there is actually a clause that forbids religious

It's not my type of game, I would probably feel lonely and get bored, but I understand why a lot of people are hyped.


Marriage was defined by God. No man can redefine it. We will defend our religious liberties.

So it is indeed allowed in the U.S. for somebody in a political position to freely talk in religious terms?

Wait, is freezing eggs a sin now? isn't the purpose of it to have kids?

woah, it's still a lot of time left ...

I never preorder, because I like to try out games before buying them, but the extra 30 songs on Rockband 4 are tempting me.

when do we know who the definite repubican candidate is?

Really bad for US jobs, only good for Mexico.

That dog is everywhere.

And yet there's people who believe racism is not a problem anymore.

I sometimes wonder the same, to I refuse to say they do it for male attention because I hate it when MRAs say feminist men do it for female attention, there are women who geniunly believe this shit, they believe they are above everyone else, or want to be radical and controversial.

My parents always tried to push feminine things on me, and I still didn't like them, maybe sometimes it is innate, or I was that annoying person trying to be different even before I was a teen :s

Part of the surprise at what little girls are “really like” often comes alongside seeing men and women as vastly different to begin with, at odds, while also not paying much attention to those differences until it’s literally required.

yes! new wallpapers!

It surprises me how this is so common in the U.S., yes, it’s a pretty big country, but I don’t hear about these kind of someone-got-a-gun-and-started-shooting-people stuff from other countries on such a regular basis (other countries' shootings are usually drug or war related).

Like the people in CHURCH would have had time to react and shoot back...

As a non-american I have a hard time understanding why people fly proudly that flag, isn’t it the flag of those who defended slavery? Don’t even racist people dislike to admit they’re racist? For what I understand it means some pride for being from the south, but I still don't get it.