
The guy who also kept throwing shit at Justin Bieber in Twitter as if it made him look cool.

I feel so inspired right now, shame that I’m sick and can't actually go outside or anything.

At least Disney did it right.

It’s something that always baffled me as a kid (I’m mexican), in tv, shows were usually all white people or all black people, and I wondered why. (Now I understand american history and segregation and stuff).

Aren’t white genes recessive and asian genes dominant?

How clearly defined you americans have races still bugs me a little, like, your either one way or the other or you don't fit in a group, so sad ):

sometimes we call our Carlos “Charlie” as a nickname, especially near the border were everybody is american-wannabe, so maybe that’s our good friend Charlie's story :)

I’m sure Rue was described as black in The Hunger Games! I imagined her that way ffs! Why were people mad about it? I understand Jhonny Storm, I can buy the “not loyal to the source material" stuff, but Rue?

I’m so confused at this, I see the first pic and the shirt is white and has just a splatter, and then I see the next and there’s no way that’s a splatter, it's too, good and straight.

I don’t know if I've been given flowers from someone other than my dad, but I would rather that money being spent in something useful I could truly appreciate, like a hamburger.

This is actually motivation for any man who has lost his dick in some way or the other, you don’t need a dick to be manly or have sex guys, go on!

I think it was a mix of precisely menstruation (people freaking out at blood and thinking it was “dirty", thus women were made dirty) and that since in ancient times there was the division of labor and men went out hunting and women stayed, that somehow continued until men thought they were superior because of that.

I guess some shows are okay for binge watching and some others are okay to be launched weekly, I know they're written differently, the ones realized weekly rely more on cliff hangers. What I would like, besides not assuming everybody watched it already and spoiling, is that shows that are aired on tv weekly were also

this is staring into my soul

I actually have a cousin doing that against her brother right now.

MW2 and WaW are my favorite CoDs, I just wanted to say that, so I didn't read the article :)

I like Chris Pratt, but it'll be boring if he now plays every role in every movie...

Not so long ago I went to an art exhibition where one of the pieces was showing the family photos that the artist found in an old laptop he bought at the flea market... So there is a family somewhere that is being shown and doesn’t know, and a very lazy “artist".

Huh, I thought maybe he would be adding something clever below the pics that might actually make it seem art, but this is just bullshit.

Did you hear about that guy in Argentina who forgot to attach his art piece in the mail for a contest and won because the jurors though -that- was the art piece?