
If you sit at a table with 10 Nazi’s, there’s 11 Nazi’s at the table.

For those who have not been paying close attention, there’s a whole industry being built around bashing & hating on Black men, especially straight Black Men. And the bashers are, more often than not,  black women. Some of that hatred, unfortunatefly, finds itself in major media, including MSNBC. I don’t see how we can

What company wouldn't want their employees call potential clients "dusty bitches"? 

I’m thinking federal time would be, generally speaking, easier than in a state prison in Georgia.

Sherman getting put on a leash when he directly wanted to go after the foundation of the rebellion and hang them all as a lesson is one reason today why the south remains so very fucked up.


They sell their souls for money

Comparing Square Enix to an indie dev in order to make Square Enix look.....?  I mean, how do you finish that?  What’s your point?  A company with more than 5000 employees shouldn’t be held to a different standard that a couple people working out of a garage?

Yeah this is some serious bullshit indeed. How TF can any judge look at her, look at her record, look at what she DID to that poor child, and then go, “Yeah keep your nose clean and you’re good.”

3 arrests in under 3 years and barely a slap on the wrist. Complexion for the protection indeed.

...which you can do here.

Malenia is super cool, but Ranni and Blaidd are probably my favorites. I can’t resist a wolfman or a big witch hat.

I think she is grateful to know she’s not just some White girl. You know how bored White people are with their lives. She’s probably standing in a mirror right now yelling the N-Word and singing rap lyrics around her White friends then pulling her non existent race card when they get upset they can’t say it. LOL!

...then being so bad at actual combat in RotJ that he got his ass kicked by a blind man...accidentally...

I am legitimately shocked that Sony didn’t include any footage of all three Spider-Men in the movie’s trailers. This is the same studio who, six weeks ago, released a Ghostbusters Afterlife trailer which ended with Bill Murray, asking the audience, “Did you miss us?” Sony’s marketing department doesn’t exactly exude se

Ah yes, white female tears..One of the most effective & potent weapons in the arsenal of white supremacy/power. That shit has resulted in the legendarystrange fruit” - southern “strange fruit”.

I have no sympathy for people who preorder.

I remember watching his briefing to the UN very clearly. I had just seen a “Frontline” episode where they analyzed Iraqi intelligence around centrifuges and yellowcake uranium. They had a ton of scientists who basically concluded that the aluminum tubes that they received could never be used to enrich uranium, and the

So, they asked everyone if we wanted it in that poll like 2 weeks ago knowing full-well that it wasn’t going to be in the game, but asked anyway and got everyone’s hopes up so that when they did announce that it wasn’t coming they could say they heard us and they “tried”

The PC version of Rise is still 3+ months away.