
Malenia is super cool, but Ranni and Blaidd are probably my favorites. I can’t resist a wolfman or a big witch hat.

I think she is grateful to know she’s not just some White girl. You know how bored White people are with their lives. She’s probably standing in a mirror right now yelling the N-Word and singing rap lyrics around her White friends then pulling her non existent race card when they get upset they can’t say it. LOL!

Ah yes, white female tears..One of the most effective & potent weapons in the arsenal of white supremacy/power. That shit has resulted in the legendarystrange fruit” - southern “strange fruit”.

I have no sympathy for people who preorder.

I remember watching his briefing to the UN very clearly. I had just seen a “Frontline” episode where they analyzed Iraqi intelligence around centrifuges and yellowcake uranium. They had a ton of scientists who basically concluded that the aluminum tubes that they received could never be used to enrich uranium, and the

So, they asked everyone if we wanted it in that poll like 2 weeks ago knowing full-well that it wasn’t going to be in the game, but asked anyway and got everyone’s hopes up so that when they did announce that it wasn’t coming they could say they heard us and they “tried”

The PC version of Rise is still 3+ months away.

A 3-year investigation into a company that reported over $22 billion in revenue from 2018-2020 resulted in an $18 million "penalty." Top notch work, feds. Pop that champagne.

I am proud of you sister. The ancestors are smiling. They survived the genocide so you could be here.

“Today, I applaud Attorney General Tish James for taking swift, decisive action in empaneling a grand jury,”

About fifteen bucks per colon dot.

Easy or not, it doesn’t answer the question. 

White men are pathetic.

So nothing will happen for two weeks, then he’ll pray for two weeks, and then he’ll try to do something he should have done a month ago. That sound about right?

I’ll never understand where the English get the idea that they are not super racist from. Every English person I’ve ever met really likes the idea that, all evidence to the contrary, they are not racist. England is a very racist place.

So much for that then.

Behaviorally, ironically, indicative of the 1% I think. They are at the top and are more interested in staying there than actually “being” the best. This is a form of cheating. Bust ‘em down to zero stats... hell, put ‘em in the negatives and make ‘em work for it.

The PC is far better but you wouldn’t know would you?, yet you can’t help your bullshit opinion seeping through your small brain. go away and play with your toy, you twat.

Exactly what I first thought of

when i was young i went to a civil rights march and martin luther king pointed to me and smiled. he said make music and never stop, well look at me now.