Those 30 seconds have me intrigued. Cant wait for the full trailer. This movie could be sweet af or shitty. No middle ground
Those 30 seconds have me intrigued. Cant wait for the full trailer. This movie could be sweet af or shitty. No middle ground
This dude takes 90% of the profits and hasnt done jack shit.
Perfect, I can save the money.
I agree with what you said, but still its a bummer.
Why though? Why go through the headache?
Also the intro credit remind me of a mushroom game of thrones
Me as a halo and witcher fan........we could have had this.
Good, I hope they go out of business
God I hate these people........thats it thats the verse
Evangeline must have pissed someone in the hair department, my god....thats some of the worst hair I have ever seen.
Agreed 100%. Shes obviously talented, but in my opinion her output is disgusting
Im all for it, the first one was ok, but now as a family man, I liked seeing a strong family man, no woke shit, just a family on a journey
She was on that men aint shit phase in her 30's.
He said no. Inflation and water dont mix
You see avallach watching Ciri from afar.
I only know Eredin from witcher 3, but I understood that they are a vanguard looking for new worlds or the elder blood.
There was a good show buried in there. The actors are not bad at all, the dwarf girl being the highlight for me.
Now they want to stick close to the books?
I dont know, why is he saying stuff at all? Its suspicious.
He faces 2 to 20 years. Will receive 5