
You strain it all at the end and then return the stock to the stove for about 10 minutes to reduce it more. One of the extra benefits of the small parts is that, while cooking, little bits of proteins and other gunk stick to them, which helps clarify the stock.

Those spots are dermatosis papulosa nigra. They’re a common benign skin condition in older black men. Morgan Freeman has them. Danny Glover has them. Nelson Mandela had them. They are not something that anyone needs to be ashamed of. Bill Cosby is a despicable piece of shit, but his skin is fine. His behaviour is not.

I’m shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - that apparently the Playboy mansion is an environment where they don’t respect women very much.

I read Holly’s book and she made it sound like Hefner at least asked, “Would you like some quaaludes?” before dosing his partners.

I never imagined a world in which that felt less gross to say, but here we are.


So, if I have a standard recipe that calls for a cup of whole milk and two cups of heavy cream with a cup of sugar - how much powdered milk am I supposed to use?

“Yeah, but if you don’t have an active outbreak, which anyone could see, it doesn’t fucking matter. It’s very common, and most people who have it are asymptomatic. If you’re not having an outbreak, you can’t transmit the virus. “

Thirded. If an actor/actress has oral herpes, it’s very important to know since they might be cast in roles at some point where they’re kissing other actors/actresses.

That’s actually completely untrue, and one of the main reasons so many people have HSV... It’s usually spread in the absence of a lesion, both oral and genital. And by the way, cold sores are one of the leading causes of genital herpes now that they are growing less common in childhood. So just so everybody knows: you

If you’re being hired to, among other things, kiss people on the mouth on camera, it seems like a reasonable question.

Yall fuckers are like the top 5 reason I can’t wait for Google to drive us to work.

I think it should be mandatory for all boys at age 12. Teen pregnancy would be eliminated.

I agree. I usually cut the watermelon horizontally in half. Scoop the watermelon tasty bits out from both half. You are left with 2 big punch bowl.

This, which I always see on Reddit: “Don’t treat someone as a priority who only treats you as an option.” Ohhhh how I wish I had heard this in my early twenties.

Why: Works well on my phone, iPad, and computer. The IT guys in the office let us install it and use it at work. I like the options to sync to my phone for when I’m traveling. It is $10/mo for premium but all things considered, there’s worse ways to spend $10/mo.

I add a modifier. do those ALONE. not with friends or with a group. Alone to focus on each other and not others.

This is a weird article. I don’t get the arguments.

Any tips or tricks for subtle contouring for really pale girls? The Touche D'Eclat in the lightest shade was much darker than my skin tone, and as of right now I have 'pearl white' pigment I use at the top of my cheekbones to give a little lift. I'm cool toned so contouring with bronzers is a no-go. Should I just keep

Maybeline Lash Discovery.

Maybeline Lash Discovery.

and the follow-up,