
Yeah, this price is a bit much, BUT there are much cheaper ones out there, and you can get the motion sensor/touchless kind. When looking to replace a step-to-open stainless steel kitchen trash can that was rendered useless when the step mechanism broke, I found one much like this one (touchless) for about $75. This

How much grease are you talking about using in this recipe? "Making a batch of bacon" can mean different things to different people - how much bacon? How fatty was it? The difference between 1/2lb lean bacon and a full pound of fatty bacon would make a huge difference in a cake recipe...

Oddly, I tried the Option/Alt key before I posted and it didn't work. But now I just tried it again after reading your comment and it did. Thanks for the tip!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you want to do, but this feature is already available. You can create a google docs/drive folder and share it with whomever you want - it doesn't have to be located on anybody's hard drive, it can all be in the cloud (I don't have all my Google Drive docs synced to my computer because I

It appears this doesn't work on Mac. I can do Command+/ and I get a keyboard shortcut list, but no search box or typing to get the command you seek, you have to scroll through the list and find what you're looking for and then use that shortcut. Also, when you click the Help menu, there's no search box as in the image

See my other comment to the author about this, but I first saw this concept in a burlesque show in NC sometime in the past few years. Could be they got the idea from someone who'd seen the act on tour, or (probably more likely) the concept has been been around for a long time (seems like something you might have seen

My first thought watching this was "Do these boys watch burlesque shows?!" - I saw an act with this concept at a North Carolina burlesque show a year or two (or more?) ago starring, among others, a fab local burlesque performer called Porcelain (here's her gorgeous Tumblr, some pics NSFW). It was much better done

Hiring a house cleaner was the first 'luxury' I started spending on after finishing grad school and getting an income boost. It's absolutely money well spent. I hate cleaning and have a tendency toward clutter. My mother was a hoarder and I'm SO not going out that way.

How well would this work for a whole stick of butter? I keep butter in a crock on my counter for spreading on toast and such, BUT... I have a number of baking recipes that require a whole stick of softened butter to be beaten/whipped, and my oft-used crock usually doesn't have a full stick left in it. Aaaaand I never

Interesting - I often find myself needing a whole stick of butter to whip and cream for baking and such, and of course I don't remember to take it out in advance - are you saying that if you whip a completely melted stick of butter for long enough (how long?) with, say, a kitchenaid mixer with the whisk attachment on,

Does it melt AT ALL when you do this? I'm thinking of applications like baking or making frosting where you need to whip and cream the butter but not melt it.

But (room temperature) soft butter doesn't soak into the bread like melted butter, it spreads thickly, creamily, beautifully on top of the bread. Shaving off thin pieces and then trying to get them to evenly cover the bread is far more time consuming and can also ultimately result in tearing the bread as you try to

It can definitely last at least a month or more - I recommend a butter crock (see sdreelin's post above for a diagram showing how it's better for keeping the bacteria out).

I doubt it would keep it from melting in heat like that. I looooove my butter crock, but I also love my air conditioning - it never gets over about 74 degrees in my house.

Oops, just noticed sdreelin posted about this in another thread with a fab diagram. Check it out.

Not if stored properly. Butter crocks like this one have been around for ages and ages... they use a little water in the bottom of the crock (into which the butter bell is lowered) to form a seal and keep out air/bacteria. It can easily keep for a month or two that way, and can store up to a whole stick of butter at

Just do it. Keep in mind that while the signal to noise ratio may be relatively low and you'll have to wade through some brainless jerks, the signals (guys you're actually interested in) are worthwhile. It takes some time and actively seeking out people in whom YOU are interested (and of course making yourself a great

Yes yes, a thousand times yes!

FYI, just sent me a promo code this morning for their Easter Sale - 10% off $50+, 15% off $75+, and 20% off $100+ orders - it's BUNNY14

FYI, just sent me a promo code this morning for their Easter Sale - 10% off $50+, 15% off $75+, and 20% off $100+ orders - it's BUNNY14