
“I don’t think the Americans should be moral arbiters for the rest of the world.”

It’s crazy how different people’s experiences are in this game. I see Angela regularly but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her hit power 9. Even hitting 7 is fairly rare. But most games there’s some other card that gets to 9, so Shang Chi remains useful. 

Yeah, and Killmonger’s 3-for-3 power actually has a lot more potential power. It’s not just destroying your enemy’s cards, it’s destroying your own with potential benefits. Nova alone is huge for that, as you’re almost definitely not gonna face a power drop (2 other cards is equivalent to before he was destroyed, 3 is

Enchantress deletes a lot of strategies for 4 mana (Dinos and Onslaughts and Blue Marvels and Zoo Decks for example) while simultaneously keeping your Lizard at 5 power and also just being good to hit other Ongoers when you’re not against those particular decks (most decks have at least one ongoer).

Agreed. I’ve seen a few people make the mistake of conflating Quicksilver, Domino, and America Chavez. America’s effect isn’t drawing her on turn 6, it’s not drawing on her on turns 1-5.

Getting rid of Miss America actually isn’t the best idea when you are climbing the ladder. She’s more than a 9-power six drop. She essentially thins the deck from 12 to 11. If you have cards you need to see before 6 she helps with that. And sometimes you just need to finish out the game with a well powered hero. If

Yea holy crap. Still in pool 1, but no other card I’ve seen can simply delete a strategy from existence for 3 mana.

100% agree. I’ve Chavez in my Devil Dino deck solely for the deck thinning. More often that not I don’t even bother playing her cause I managed to create a second Dino with Moongirl or created a better play thanks to White Queen, but the degree that her presence increases the consistency of drawing the important cards

When you first get this card you might be excited. America is a 6-cost/9-power card that always shows up on turn six, which is usually the last turn of most Marvel Snap games. And yeah, it’s nice knowing a powerful 9-power card is definitely going to show up at the end of your match. But this also means she’s not

Im averse to meta cause I jisyw wanna have fun, but hey, none of these are in my decks!

Conversely, Elon Musk watched Squid Game and thought, this would be super fun to do to people in real life. 

The latter. In reality, torture is notoriously bad at getting reliable, useful information from the person being tortured. To quote a show that had an actual former spy on-hand to help with the realism (Burn Notice):

Literally everything besides this show is still Star Wars in fun mode. There’s room for different approaches.

Good rule of thumb, the younger cast are more likely to not be transphobic and the older cast is more likely to be, there are exceptions of course but that's usually how it goes.  Also Daniel Radcliffe is pretty swell guy, not content to be just the Harry Potter guy his whole life and I can respect that.

Florence Pugh is the female Leonard DiCarprio.

Tim is a genius—or he certainly was in his most creative years.

I hear Matthew Perry was a mouth breather because his nose was always clogged...

How many Matthew Perry Has A Book To Sell articles did the AV Club contract out for?

hey why don’t you guys just post a chapter a day or something?