The only differences it brings are subjective ones like the faces. Everything else is just the same but with a different light or something tiny and insignificant like that.
The only differences it brings are subjective ones like the faces. Everything else is just the same but with a different light or something tiny and insignificant like that.
That was a great side-show. Especially for a programme like Dr Who which is almost always gonna have at least one of the following: Fancy Sets, Fancy Costumes, Fancy Make-Up.
Hector made repeated insinuations that the “Chicken Brothers” were more like (paraphrasing but it was something crass like the following) ‘Butt Brothers’.
I think it’s better to have the same actor replay the role and ask the audience to just go along with it, than it is to recast the actor.
I saw it as she couldn’t live that hypocrisy.
Is that a “camp”?
So do I have my numbers right?
*Goes out to buy a bag of nuts and a bear trap*
(Forreal tho, seems neat)
“A lot of Will’s character arc this season was cut for time (nevermind that this season clearly didn’t mind long episodes). In the original drafts, we saw more of the bullying he was experiencing in school over there too, some of which was by a group of girls that included the girl he was in love with.
BuT He’S tHe HeArT! :O
It’s the writing that’s got me interested the most in The Boys, seeing all the info on this spin-0ff be about its guts and sex stuff kind of makes me worried it’ll miss the mark for me.
On the one hand, yes that’s acting.
Thanks, signed. Good luck to them!
If there are two things TV and Youtube personalities have taught me, it’s that there is gold in Contract Law.
I was thinking a little of Rat Race when I wrote that, still never seen Mad Mad Mad Mad World but I loved Rat Race as a kid and my Dad always said Mad Mad Mad Mad World was the OG.
Thor on a family road trip with his daughter and Korg’s family.
To be honest, if you’d told me that 10 years ago I wouldn’t have been surprised.
Did s/he also hack a bunch of amusement park attractions and lock some kids in with a Duel computer set to max difficulty and made it so they could only get out if they beat it?
I think Eternals fatigued me, then Strange 2 killed any enthusiasm I had left.