So is Mark the new Tracie?
So is Mark the new Tracie?
"Keep the oldnerance." Bless you.
Thank you for pointing out how brave she is. I only wish her the best in what will no doubt be a painful and slow recovery. I hope this man rots in jail as well.
Same. And I'm only 26.
It sounds like it might be a microlender since microloans are meant to build up credit. Congratualtions on finding a great service that worked for you.
This article from the NY Times is about a year old, but apparently there is an uptick in microlending institutions in poor communities (especially institutions from Southeast Asia, where microlending is common, opening up shop here in the US). These are institutions that people with bad credit can depend on, but they…
Julie of the Wolves had two or three sequels and they were definitely less PG and v. eye-opening.
Wow, it's amazing to see a pretty face next to a real model. (FWIW, my boss is friendly with some of the W staff and they told us that Rihanna was drunk and uncooperative for one of these photo shoots, presumably the solo one. I do not like Rihanna so that is more fuel to the fire.)
Honestly? My favorite is Beauty and the Beast. Sad Kanye never gets old.
I had a health text book in 9th grade. One section was about people's fantasies and one anonymous girl confessed her guilt for having rape fantasies. The writers separated the fantasy from actual rape, and assured the girl it was fine. I felt so relieved. Imagine if I had had that information in 7th grade when I was…
Woohoo! Vassar! Vassar! Vassar! How lucky you were to be able to go to a consortium at such a sex-positive school. I hope you were able to teach your friends about good habits when you went back to your high school, and beyond.
Since he claims that he thought of the idea two years ago, the bigger question is: what kind of person invents a rape situation in a bus and decides to photograph it? I think the pictures successfully show how terrifying rape is, since the contrast between the stylish clothing and the violent situation is quite stark.…
Maybe this is a little off topic but my Dad actually argued a case before Sotomayor back when she was a judge (can't remember if it was when she was an appellate court judge or earlier). He is a rabid conservative but when she was nominated for SCOTUS he had nothing but good things to say about her. So clearly…
And again, thank you for your patient conversation. I learned so much from you. My sympathies still lie with Palestinian civilians and I do think that Israel's actions are wrong, but now my opinion is so much more informed. Thank you.
Thank you for your patient reply, stoprobbers. It appears I misremembered some important history, and a chart from a great infographic from (…) Also, thank you for the article. I will certainly read it.
If I may wade into the argument, I think that the difference is that it is purposefully difficult for a Palestinian civilian to get in or out of Gaza, whereas an Iraqi citizen could potentially flee to a different part of the country or even leave the country altogether as refugee. Right now, with shelters being…
I would like to add that it is fairly evident that the British "gave" Palestine to Jewish settlers in order to raise money from wealthy Zionists and fund World War II. So sad, stupid, and cynical. Yet somehow the British managed to escape sullying their hands in their former Middle Eastern colonies and let America…
Thank you so much for sharing this information. Truly. I would argue that the reason why Israel has so many enemies for neighbors is because of the country's sudden (and illegal) expansion throughout the 1970s and 1980s, but of course it helps for these neighbors to have a common scapegoat, so why not have it be the…
No, it's not genocide, but attempting to squeeze Israel's Arab Muslim population into two separate regions that are caged off, requiring Palestinians to have ID cards, and slowly sucking dry any economic or cultural activities from said regions with the intention of eventually killing all of the Arab Muslims off sure…
Yeah, it's a bad outfit but maybe the producers wanted to cut her some slack? Don't kick a girl when she's down? (I don't watch Fashion Police. I know I've said this before on Jez and don't mean to brag, but I've met Joan Rivers on a few occasions and she is the kindest person in the world. But she is desperately…