
It's so good to see a new face on the cover of Vogue. Gwyneth and Charlize and every other blonde actress are getting old. Plus it's a beautiful and striking cover.

Unless he's just trying to make money off of his failed relationship. Then he's also self-serving.

Sigh. Oh, Gaga. I liked the message of "Do What U Want", but the fact that R. Kelley sang the duet part was so gross, and her friendship with Terry Richardson is really disappointing. I'm not sure how she can be anti-bully when she collaborates with two prominent bullies. This video sounds horrible—I'm glad it was

...Why not get another professional photographer? It's not like there aren't thousands of them.

The other point about getting that perfect shoot is that the florist and his/her workers had to put fresh flowers in that wall every day for four days. What a waste.

I thought the point was that Piper reminded her of her mother and sister. I also don't think that Suzanne is high school aged.

I don't mind Piper's privilege because she's never condescending and tries to make things right when she's hurt someone's feelings. Soso, I feel, is condescending because she originally completely idealized criminality or the type of people who would be in prison. I don't think Piper ever had that illusion.

I suspect that Suzanne assaulted her sister somehow, since we have never seen her sister visit, and if she had killed her sister she wouldn't be in a minimum security prison.

Thanks for the correction!

Oh, she's definitely creepy as hell. One of the great things about the show is how it demonstrates that half of the characters should be getting mental healthcare and NOT be in prison.

I'm actually really interested to see what happens with Caputo. On the one hand, he actually talks to prisoners and staff. On the other hand, he can be very petty (see: Fischer or enforcing shot quota) when upper management threatens him.

Same. I think once the baby is born and the paternity test is released, Bennett will go to jail and Pornstache will somehow get his revenge on Daya.

But Alex didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. She thought that if she told the truth she would be able to get the dealer locked up and she could be safe. If the scene of Piper's revenge had been framed as Piper realizing that Alex is safer in jail, then fine, but she just wants Alex back so she can have a

It was unclear, but I believe he was a witness in her mail fraud case and added the stalking accusations (which were obviously true) to make sure to put her away. The writers really should have had her sister come in to visit her and yell at her for visiting Christopher, but I guess having Christopher there is more

I didn't mind her throughout the whole season, although I was glad there was a little less of her. What she does to Alex at the very end, though, made me realize how creepy and twisted she is/ has become.

I couldn't believe that Christopher would have been able to visit her in prison, either. At the very least he would be forcing her to violate her restraining order.

I'm really happy to hear this news! I'm not in any way surprised that two wonderful, prominent women artists are able to make a movie about the experiences of African and black women, especially in America. Part of me almost hopes that Nyong'o will simply produce the movie, allowing other previously unknown black

Looking at this picture, she really should have been cast as Wonder Woman.

Now that I finally have time to watch TV again, I'm watching the Utena dub on Hulu. It's not unwatchable and the women who play Anthy and Utena are actually pretty good, and really, since they're the ones doing most of the talking, it's all you can ask for.

Also exciting: Viz is also re-releasing all three movies and releasing several shorts for the first time, including Ami's First Love. The press release also said that Naoko Takeuchi personally approved of the dub cast so this should be interesting to see. I myself remain very fond of the Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R