People who fought for the south are not veterans of the US army. They literally killed US soldiers.
People who fought for the south are not veterans of the US army. They literally killed US soldiers.
No, not everyone using it was a racist. But it also doesn’t really change your life to not use it anymore.
You Americans and your funny illusions of freedom. You may be armed against the tyranny of government (a threat which isn’t really that significant in the civilised world right now) but you’ve disarmed yourselves against corporate tyranny (a threat which is significant). You’ve become so myopic about the government…
Responsible gun ownership means not leaving your firearm loaded and easily accessible. Which means the robber is far more prepared to shoot me than I am him. And I’m more likely to get shot going for my gun than I am to deter him. On top of that he’s likely to steal my gun along with my other possessions, which is…
You really are the worst, you know that right? None of your commenting is ever helpful, just unecessary and annoying.
Lovecraft was so racist that his friends wrote letters to him, telling him to tone down the virulent racism. Even if you go by “sign of the times,” he was still considered extreme by his contemporaries.
“Outside of academia or talking points at a bookclub, who cares if he was a racist?”
People with basic intellectual curiosity.
“I literally couldn’t care less that he’s a racist”
Said the guy who goes on to write a novel-length comment, and then several other comments, telling everyone just how much he doesn’t care.
If I didn’t know by now then I clearly didn’t even have a passing interest in Lovecraft and his imprint on popular culture.
If an artist is racist but a work is not transparently racist, can you separate the art from the artist and enjoy it?
Not really true in Lovecraft’s case, though.
“ADL assists police in arresting Nazi Gamer who hung out on Steam”
The uproar from PewDiePie fans about that donation is starting to make a whole lot of sense.
Fuck Nazis?
When you factor in the boob physics, hip sway, seductive walk, playful giggles when sneaking, sexually charged moans when taking damage, make-up application animations, entirely new costumes and outfits that all show off midriff/cleavage/thighs, and a host of other problems it’s painfully clear how much extra work…
While the “gaming” part is pretty stupid imo. These do look really comfortable and the design is not bad either. Don’t know why you would ever NEED them to game but might be fine as just normal shoes.
I’m going to tell myself “ok boomer” on this one. I’m 35 and this made me understand I’m already waaaay outside the loop.
You do realize that many of those crises passed because people made a genuine effort to fix them, right? Y2K lead to significant changes in firmware and computing. The hole in the ozone layer lead to a comprehensive change in the refrigerants people used, resulting in a reduction of CFC emissions so drastic it…
He identifies as a “Classic British Liberal” though his professed views closely align with that of the right. I mean...his views align with the right on darn near everything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Har har. Yes, nevermind how damaging his positions and stupid diatribes are…but hey apparently a minority of idiots find the reactions they generate to be funny, so yay!
Weird, I thought the same word in Canada is spelled “Jordan Peterson”.
I hope you’re kidding. Greta Thunberg is a CHILD who is trying to alert the world to the danger we adults are ignoring. I am not a tree-hugging, Greenpeace loving, eco-nut but I do care about the planet I leave my children. I don’t agree with the whole “Okay, boomer” meme but it speaks to the current leadership whose…