(sickle not scythe – the grim reaper carries a scythe, the sickle appears along with a hammer on the old USSR flag hehe)
(sickle not scythe – the grim reaper carries a scythe, the sickle appears along with a hammer on the old USSR flag hehe)
I might enjoy using Hey Siri a little too much >_> hehe
You can also do this by invoking Hey Siri while the phone is plugged in, then unplugging it. In this state you can sleep the screen and Hey Siri will still respond. However, if you unlock the screen it will stop working.
Wow. How has this guy been single for 40 years??
Leaks and publication of nude photos like this are an extension of the paparazzi society that those responsible have grown up in and been exposed to, and that's why it's so easy for people to do things like this without even pausing.
Not sure if it's because I'm using OS X 10.10 or a conflict with another extension, but Flix put netflix into a never ending refresh loop for me. Cool options though. I'll hold on to and look for updates.
Ooh, just barely faster than Tony Abbott! lol
Yup. F.lux is a big reason, but there are others. AT&T charges for tethering (a native feature that Apple built into the device I purchased), but doesn't give you any additional data. To me, this is akin to my local gas station adding a seat-belt charge for my car that's already been paid off, every time I fill up. I…
Arya and Tyrion chapters > *
I'd personally start at 'Fuck Dallas', but that's just coming from the first and only city in the country that elected an openly gay mayor. (;
Man, Nocturne was a -much- better name, though. (;
Hrm, I read "headphones" and all I see are in-ear. Disappointing.
Really the fad is a double edged blade for Celiacs - never has there been more variety for them, but they also get the roll-eyes as waitstaff assumes they are just "hipster fuckbuckets". With the revelation that there is no actual gluten intolerance, I worry that their choices are going to begin to evaporate off menus…
The best I've ever gotten from Comcast was a 4 hour window.
No way, we've got enough people moving here as it is :p
Literally just ordered something 10 minutes ago and this option wasn't available for me. It -was- for a low-priced gift (< $10), so that might be part of why it did not appear – that or it hasn't propagated to everyone.
Just stop 'blowin' it up'. How gauche. :p
Remind me again why the NFL doesn't have to pay taxes?
Man, those are gigantic... I prefer the nGroove Snap2 - utilizes the cd slot so it's at the perfect height and uses a magnet so you can get your phone in and out super fast. It also doubles as a tripod for pics. Been using it since it was source funded.
Man, those are gigantic... I prefer the nGroove Snap2 - utilizes the cd slot so it's at the perfect height and uses…
Anecdotal, anti-technology. I have seriously doubts that people are spending -twice- the amount of time in restaurants now because of cell phones. People are definitely inconsiderate with technology, and they hold things up, but I'd like to see the application of real science here.