been using this for a few weeks, once I switched from Xmarks, it was a MUST!
been using this for a few weeks, once I switched from Xmarks, it was a MUST!
I was trying to get my sleep back to normal and not stay up as late, but the past week I've been sleeping at 11 and waking up at 7, so I already accomplished it. Now to just keep it that way...
this will be exciting when it's on most platforms;
@AraRichards: aah, am bee tihkee arabee
too bad a thing like this had to happen;
those guys with the flags, that's where the street racers got that idea. Except they used the hot chicks. I like that way a little better, but I'm not a drag racer.
what should keep in my car's trunk in case of emergencies?
@Dirt Pirate: or 'pimped' beyond usability
I almost bought a CTS.
plati-dip... I'm thinking of using it to winterize my rims lol. Same reasoning, cheaper than new wheels, looks good, is durable, and comes off really easy (but only if I mean to take it off)
@hollatchaboy: dude the last gen TL's are awesome, how was it a stretch at all? Completely awesome compared to the 03 and older models. But the newer ones, yukh. That pic on the top of this post looks like a brain-dead bird
@MotorboatingSOB: I prefer the sedan look on the older TL, same with the older accords. Now the NEW accord coupes, those are HOT!
I was in the beta for almost 4 months so far, it's an amazing keyboard.
this would look sick at night without any traffic. I just don't knowhow well the camera would do in a low-light setting like that.
windows XP mode built-in to windows 7
@gthing: yo dawg, we put a phone in your phone so you can call while you call!
@Skunky: I don't think so. You can't just use short clips like that, even on youtube they'll mark your videos on the basis of copyright infringement
finally! Jeezus I've been waiting for this ever since I knew the Android version had this glaring omission from it! My evo just upped in value tenfold!
Acura tl.... unless Audi A4 is faster...
@Xander Crews: how is this legal? lol driving around with such a giant animal