
And yeah, of the three, I think Warren Ellis is probably the best, though I really really dislike Nextwave.

In fairness, although I love Grant Morrison, much of his output is, well.. a bit shit as well.

So the takeaway here is the only thing more obnoxious then Pewdiepie is his fans? Got it.

Man wait till she gets to Bayonetta 2 and see how it blows 1 out of the water. 

Vita is my favorite place to play weirdo Japanese shit.  So this makes me sad.  

I know betas are expected to have bugs, but this game is on a whole other level.

The Signal and The Writer were worth every second but yeah I couldn’t get into American Nightmare either.

I am Polish and old enough to have read all the stories as they came out. This means that I have lived with these characters in my head for abut 30 years now and it’s really hard to imagine Ciri (and her mother and grandmother) as anything but green eyed blonde (the books keep referring her emerald eyes and ashen

Nah man, super shotgun is one of the best guns in the game.

Assuming netcode is good, I’ll let people invade. You’re a demon, I’m the doomslayer. It’s not even a competition.

Unbelievable. Shoulder pads are like 90% of Warcraft.

Obligatory Razor Ramon Hard Gay gif.

I just went to Supercon and there were far more risque outfits on display. I wouldn’t have recognized the meme but I would have assumed he was doing some kind of Fist of the North Star cosplay since that show has a bit of a leather daddy vibe (being inspired by Mad Max has that effect).

something something SJWs something something First Amendment.

Something something WRYYYYYY, something something ZA WARUDO.

Something something REEEEEEE, something something CENSORSHIP.

Kylo Ren knows he made a mistake. Luke was his teacher, his anchor, his rock—and he betrayed him.”

New Addams Family! I have to get ready.

Now they need David Keith just to be confusing.

Sweet Zombie Jesus....