
I’m a historian. Thats 100% accurate to history.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

The excited “Hi Wade!”’s and “Hi Yukio!”’s were probably my favorite running gag in the movie, which is funny because it was probably the most PG joke in the whole thing.

I’m glad GOG is growing as move and shaker in the digital games world. I loved them when they just emptied my wallet so I could play the games of my childhood, now they can take my money to give me new games as well.

I’d love to have another platform for my VN games rather than Steam. It looks like the new ones that got put on GOG are on sale right now, too.

Right? Whatever your opinion on visual novels might be, they’re actually products. When compared to some of the other garbage Steam seems to have no problem with, threatening these in particular seems ridiculous.


This is definitely one of the few cartoons that isn’t in fact visual noise. Compared to most cartoons out today and that have ever been out, Steven Universe tells a deep sophisticated story about flawed but lovable individuals trying to find a place where they belong and in doing so draw the ire of a galactic

People who think you have to do perfect cosplay and fan art to be able to share it. I don’t think that’s a small crowd, either.

I came expecting to see a pic with a room full of white guys, looked at that pic and got excited that there were so many women and persons of color. Then I made the mistake of reading what the criticism was actually about and promptly remembered why I hate humans of the internetz.

I’m just going to throw this out there...

Now playing

BattleTech backer 139 of 41,733 reporting in. Can I get a “Hells yeah!” for the best digital interpretation of the tabletop game?! ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ

I was seventeen when this game came out, and right in that self-involved headspace that made me think, “Raziel’s right, man; the world just doesn’t understand him! And FUCK Kain, man! Can’t stand letting his ‘son’ surpass him!” didn’t take long after that for me to think, “Y’know, ol’ Raz has his head up his ass

Don’t know what kind of titanium tree trunks you’ve got around you, but here just about everything except an oak tree bends like that when winds get going.

Try going outside sometime.

Real trees do that my man. Go somewhere windy and you’ll be shocked at how far they will bend before breaking.

I need the name of the album that this is a cover for.

As a Zen main, I am here for Frog-walk Zen. Those Tracers and Genjis and Sombras will be too busy recoiling in horror to put a clip (shuriken) in the back of my head.

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Why has no one...? Come on Kinja, do i have to do your work for you?