
Um, it’s not due to the limits of programming, it’s just that Bethesda has never been good in that arena. Any Mass Effect or any The WItcher game is proof.

I remember playing The Witcher 3 and thinking, specifically, that Skellige was like Skyrim done right.

I love Skyrim to bits, but it’s lacking in characterisation and depth.

And this is where I will unashamedly change the subject and ask have you played The Witcher 3? (Like I said, I have no shame. That’s a damn good game.)

Just an FYI to get this ending you need to be THAT guy and romance both Yennefer and Triss (I was that guy).

The anime film also ignored much of the manga canon.

A) Aside from the manga (which is goofy in it’s own right) - there is no original canon as every medium and take on GitS takes place in a different continuity

I gotta admit, I kinda love Lord Humongous. Like, you kinda think he’ll actually just let you go without any worries, so long as you turn over your fuel. Seems downright reasonable, compared to a lot of the other baddies Max has had to deal with.

There will be a 2-hour version released in early May.

Many people do pay for their games, the thing is Denuvo doesn’t really change that number. If anything I’m more likely to buy a game if I can buy it without any DRM(which is why I buy from GoG when at all possible)

Was kind of hoping he really would have the balls. And it’s not like it would have destroyed his career anyway.

We must take this gentleman’s gamer card; to refer to Dr. Wily as “Riley” beggars belief.

...I may need yours, as well. “Wiley,” indeed.

I just got Vita code tonight, and it is still downloading. It’s the same game between the two, of course. I can’t imagine any major hitches, but we’ll see.

Can you hear it? That’s the sound of thousands of Youtubers pretending to be scared while they record their Let’s Plays. A true sign that Halloween season is in full swing.

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

*nerd bursts through the door*

Actually, she’s not really twleve, she’s a 500 year old immortal dragon that just so happens to take the form of a twelve year old, so it’s k.

This is the best. Not only is it incredibly funny, it absolutely destroys all of these bullshit arguments that people actually use. Win-Win-Win.

He needs to learn to internets first lol

“Happy birthday, my son.”

I think he attached the original file, and not the edited one with the Kotaku Fish.

Chapters 5-8 remove it from "top 20 JRPG" contention.