
So, Sword of the Stranger?

PB is totally evil.

Holy shit, Mario Game Gallery. Friend of mine had that way back in the day.

Could this be the Tekken/Crysis crossover we’ve all been waiting for?!

Ugh, back when this came out the family had pay-by-the-minute, 16k Compuserve controlled by my dad with an iron fist. Made it pretty much impossible to actually ever access any of the playonline content.

Been in the Galaxy beta since it went live. It was a smidge rocky right out the gate, but the short list of issues I found were pretty much resolved within the week.

And unlike Maxi, Li Long actually has blades on the damn things in the first place.

If you REALLY want to see how much Lupin changed, compare the newest stuff to the original Manga.

Don't care what the haters say, Link's Awakening is truly the greatest Zelda title.

Which is fine. But the quote we're disputing is "Super Metroid was the first game to set up the paradigm of making Samus lose all her gear at the beginning of the game, only for you to find all of it again."
Note, "first game." It was, in fact, NOT the first game to set up the paradigm. Metroid 2 was. The fact that the

Where it's set in the universe's timeline doesn't really matter. Chronologically, Metroid 2 established the "loose all your stuff, start from scratch" trope that followed through the rest of the series.

Dragon Age Inquisition. Logging in dozens of hours.

3d isn't the original Wolfenstein! *table flip*

Except it was never released on mac. Just because development started there doesn't mean it's a "mac" game.

Happy to help!