
So, Nintendo, when the f*ck are we getting Super Metroid and a general release of Fusion on the 3DS?!

Okay, that's pretty damned awesome.


Really odd system choices, but hey, at least we're getting the bloody thing finally.

New Star Fox? Awesome!
Motion controls? Not so much.

PC release, I hope?

Crazy excited for this. Been using GOG since their first beta and I absolutely adore it.

ooooo, can't wait to watch it in HD after the livestream ends.

I've been having a blast with Watch_Dogs, myself. Sure, the story isn't the best in the world, but it's damn fun to run all over a very lively Chicago causing mayhem

Somehow I always manage to get the games that will never run for people to run without any issue. I had Watch_Dogs up and running within minutes of it being unlocked on PC, never ran into a game breaking glitch in Skyrim, etc.

this definitely has increased my interest for this game. The live-action trailer left me... unimpressed, but the game play information has me much more excited.

Hmm. Apparently the System Shock 2 update doesn't work with the GOG version of the game. The .cfg doesn't have the information the mod requires.

I've been running female avatars in games for almost as long as I can recall games letting you.

As it happens, though, that artist DID do an Audrey Hepburn piece.

it's the replicant chick from Blade Runner.

Soooo, not very beefy?

Good to hear I should be able to crank this one up to max.

Compared to the anime, yeah. Compared to the original manga? hardly.