For towers is definitely cheaper to build your own. For Laptop they're pretty much comparable to Asus. They're a bit more expensive but they are a far sight better looking machines. Hardware is about identical.
For towers is definitely cheaper to build your own. For Laptop they're pretty much comparable to Asus. They're a bit more expensive but they are a far sight better looking machines. Hardware is about identical.
I love Nintendo to death, but if the past few console generations are any indication, they've lost track of who they are and where they've been. Their handhelds are running strong, so I see no reason to change that (Metal WOULD be nice, though. ) what I'd love to see, though, is their console development go strictly…
To be fair, that's probably due to the shitty GBA speakers.
There's actually a number of fan patches that re-complete, stabilize Bloodlines. I just ran through it a few months back with the most recent True Patch on a Windows 7 64bit system.
Cautiously optimistic for this one. It's kind of interesting seeing the Flight rather than Fight centric horror game becoming more of the norm with what seemed to start at Amneisa and has since been followed with games like Outlast.
While it's pretty ridiculous that you can pre-order these, the article is technically inaccurate in one regard. Gamestop's policy on pre-orders is pretty cut and dry. Cancel at any time and you can get your money back (even if the game has come out since) and if a game gets cancelled or goes silent for a long time you…
Got the collector's edition game AND guide. Absolutely no regrets. I had a blast with that game.
If kids are gonna give you grief about your name, a "regular" name will do you no good. They'll find a way.
Most of these things are automated. The video was flagged by the German distributor of the movie we were reviewing, the bot just probably hit the wrong subject. Apparently the timing was during a clip of a fight scene that we were discussing.
It's definitely not over yet. Myself and some friends do a martial movie review series and our first video was hit by a bot. Flagged for infringement due to a song. The only music in the entire video is the intro, which was made by my friend.
I just don't understand the point of doing this.
And, of course, no Android support.
*Sigh* Guess I'll wait for the PC version.
Once I had that thing even partially upgraded, I used it almost exclusively. Also was a great way to distract enemies while you were low on health because they'd be stuck dancing and you could leg it away.
I couldn't agree more. After they went "Wooooo, ALIENS! Or Precursors, or Forerunners, or whatever!" I lost pretty much all interest in the series. Then I saw gameplay footage for IV and watched a friend run around the island and I've been hooked since. Every time it cuts back to the real world I can't help but shout…
"This is nothing but the typical Yankee notion that Godzilla is a cruel destroyer."