
Loads of BS. First of all, many people go undiagnosed. Second, “non-gluten sensitivity” could mean a number of things. Finally, wheat products have FODMAPS so when people say they are avoiding gluten they may simply be avoiding many products that have gluten in them due to malabsorption. Inflammation in some instances

And he gets to enjoy the weather. The guy coaching them inside doesn’t get to see the light of day

I really enjoy how people can pick up on the inarguable issue of Celiac disease as the “be all and end all” of gluten research, yet not take it beyond that. Sure, a lot of people are just trying GF foods because it’s a fad and you get some of the crap you’re describing, but there are people with non-digestive

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST. Why does EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE on this site have to have an immediate comment about politics? Does your type have no off switch? Do you look at every single event in your life through the lens of the current president and whatever they are proposing that day? Holy shit.

Well, I can only speak for my own perspective, but... I carry a wallet, and for me, the gulf between “Carry one slightly heavy card” and “Carry 3-5 cards” is not so high that it’s a problem worth solving. They weigh like nothing. If this had been successful, I’d say, “Huh, that’s cool. Bit of a kludgy workaround

Theres nothing of any substance that can actually be done, because the only thing that can stop concussions is to beat physics and the laws of motion, and that, of course, will never happen. New helmets, new rules, new protocols....oh, it all sounds good, because, you know, the NFL and other football leagues/levels

What was the cause of Bui’s death?

I disagree with the garage door opener. I have the Chamberlain Myq version and it’s really nice as a sanity check. “Did I forget to close the garage door? Let me check my phone. Nope it’s closed. good” It’ll even alert me if I leave it open for longer than a predetermined time, or if it opens at a strange, unexpected

Nothing says entertainment like apparent touchdown, commercial for 5 min review if WR caught it, extra point, 5 min commercial, kickoff to touchback, 5 min commercial.

Adult REM cycles are ~90 minutes, which matches up with the time between snaps in the average NFL game.

Counterpoint: physically resisting being taken off a plane is Dumb, with a capital D.

I am shocked he spelled persevere right.

Thank you, I was hoping this would get political. Don’t want a story about someone digging a hole in the ground without bringing up politics.

Can we start a petition to have the owner crushed and the car saved?

Ferrari LaFerrari meet Crusher TheCrusher.

He’s a victim of dumb luck, that’s all. If you think about it, it was a pretty brilliant plan, really. Once he snuck the car into the country it would blend in with all the other LaFerraris on the street and no one would think twice about it.

Take off the echo chamber earmuffs, sperm-brain. There is no consensus. There is active debate. You just don’t like the fact that other humans have the right to disagree with your favorite fan fiction. Enjoy the better farming. Here’s hoping California sinks into the sea with all you mind-numbed whineybabies still

Google: “present a range of news and views from across the spectrum”

And who has the power to restrict that pay? And based on what criteria? And what stops them from restricting yours?

Don't smoke anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize.