Disproven nutrition science from the 60s is on your side yes.
Disproven nutrition science from the 60s is on your side yes.
Dude please stop posting you’re highly uninformed and uneducated about human physiology. A calorie is not a calorie. First of all protein through a process called gluconeogenesis consumes about 1/3 of the energy in the food (protein) just to convert it to energy. So you’d have to account for that. Also some calories…
Your body doesn’t start storing fats when you don’t eat. That would be stupid... what it would try to do is two fold
Sorry you’re wrong... people in ketosis eat more calories because they are free to ingest all the calorie dense fats and proteins they like. The problem with carbs has noting to do with the calories in it... which is less per gram than fat. The number of calories in food is far less important than what it does to your…
I don’t get this... unless you’re rooting for “talking points” it is very obvious from watching the video that the dive was
Why would anyone give a fuck? It’s the opening ceremony not the 100m final.
Is your point that you shouldn’t have watched or that Portugal win should be overruled on account of your butt hurt?
THIS 1000%... there’s always some idiot on Gawker who can see all the free benjamins on the floor that the CEOs are unwilling to easily pick up. Running a business is very complicated even when you have all the information. Running it from your tablet in the family room with no information at all is insanity which…
We could say the same thing about any fat person.. i mean your life is presumably worth more than any major league contract and they clearly don’t give a shit about it so lets all make fun of then
... would you also like the kids of your lawn or no?
You make the argument for paying both teams nothing at all since they would play anyway but they aren’t being paid nothing at all because they probably wouldn’t all play anyway so the question at hand is what do we pay? Since the US remains interested in fielding a men’s team regardless of how unsuccessful or…
You can argue whether its is wrong or right but the reason for the disparity is opportunity cost. If you wanted to field a soccer team for an afternoon league and you wanted to do it with high priced attorneys the cost of fielding that team will definitely be higher than using day laborers regardless of the fact that…
If you look at that as just a core exercise you’re certainly missing the point. What a lot of the commenters who say “well i used to do that much safer thing and it worked well for me” don’t understand is that Bryce Harper wouldn’t necessarily feel anything from the thing you used to do. To get your body to improve it…
Yeah destabilization of the body to force load towards the abodmen and lower back is definitely a fad just like this bipedal stuff... You have to be a flaming idiot.
Ahh yes lets just pay whatever damages she seeks because something terrible and shitty was done. Sorry but in addition to determing if something terrible and shitty has happened here we also have determine how much damages to award due to terribly shitty thing that happened and asking Ms. Andrews what she feels that…
Your post makes no sense whatsoever... how do you get from the gut reaction of people who aren’t close to the action to “look at me”. So the guys on the bench are sitting around saying “OK when something awesome happens ON THE FUCKING COURT.. we’re going to try to steal some of their camera time”. I bet you’re fun at…
There’s a receiver open on 75% of all pass plays. The WR knows where he’s going the CB doesn’t. Its never a fair fight. So this is not very interesting because getting open is the less than half the battle. Even I can get open against Champ Bailey in this prime 5 times out of 10. I probably wouldn’t do it in time to…
Most of these big men start their decline they get the 3pt shot. Case in point Rasheed Wallace. Worst thing that ever happened the him is learning to shoot 3s. 3s are a low percentage shot, specialist role players can fill that need. Prized big men who can finish around the basket is the differentiator between teams…
I think he might be referring to the fact that PEA is French born. What most non African people don’t know is that African and black are never the same thing to a lot of Africans. They’re completely separate races of people.
There was no form tackle to be made there. Form tackles only happen in practice on tackling dummies and not in any actual games. All the guy could do was reach for Rodgers’ jersey to get him down.