
The point still stands, its a gendered event. The hackathon is for female participants. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the artifacts associated with it may also be similarly gendered.

When you have a hackathon just for women then the stereotyping or genderfication horse has already left the barn. You are telling women they wouldn’t or couldn’t participate in a regular hackathon.

There was no form tackle to be made there. Form tackles only happen in practice on tackling dummies and not in any actual games. All the guy could do was reach for Rodgers’ jersey to get him down.

I’ll be interested in seeing how the other attempts ended

Its always a good bet to assume that anything that claims to be using “Machine Learning” is not doing anything remarkable since its definition sounds very much like the same thing computers have done forever.

What we are afraid of isn’t dying. It is how we die/live after something happens.

I’m sure there are no other sports teams that have anyone who has been convicted of a violent crime. So yes the Cowboys are clearly and literally the worst.

OK lets see if we can extrapolate a general rule from this.

Of course it does if you assume the manager’s ability to coach is no where near as volatile as the outcomes we are seeing. If this is the case then the manager’s ability to coach is not as responsible as we think it is for said outcomes.

How is it possible that a coach could be so good one year and then so bad the next year. Why wouldn’t anyone consider the possibility that the coach had little do with either performance? Coaches get far too much glory and blame for outcomes that they are less than 20% responsible for. This kind of a large swing in

A good idea when Police asks you to move is to shut up and move and if you have anything to say ask where he would like you to go. The alternative is that you might be right but also have a broken leg. Personally, I’d rather be wrong and maintain the integrity of my limbs. Its just not worth it because you getting

I understand we don’t like this guy but isn’t this a fairly frequent occurence on NFL sidelines?

Well that coach doesn’t exist. No one can make US talent play at the level of a WC contender so you can fire Klinsmann and get a new coach and after a few years you’d probably have to fire that coach too. By the way everything you said we can say about the Team Manager or Nutritionist.

No one is saying managers are totally unimportant it is just that the difference between one first division manager and another is usually negligible. Gas is important for cars but whether or not I put Citgo’s blend or Mobil’s blend is probably of negligible important to the performance of my beater or your Ferari. By

“Furthermore, the example above (construction crews and double yellow lines) and others like that are a false dichotomy: the car can always do neither, slow down and cede the control to the driver when it encounters such situations.”

So you believe the difference is an assistance coach not someone like.... I don’t know.. Mezut Ozil. Sorry but a coach’s value to a team has a very low ceiling. By far the most important factor in team success is the folks who actually get to kick the ball.

THIS! What exactly constitutes insider information in fantasy? The entire thing is a guessing game after you control for common sense knowledge possessed by all or most. Paying money for some idiot’s analysis does not give one any competitive advantage if it did, you probably couldn’t afford the idiot.

So the comments section be like “the more sensation version of the story must be true because we are already committed to it”

If a bigger body burns through more calories it should demand even more calories as it gets bigger. So no you haven’t explained anything. The reason you are missing is homeostasis. Everything in the body is tightly controlled including body fat. Weight gain can be explained more by a break down of this system than

No its not that simple... you’re not a combustion engine. IF this was the case why don’t fat people just infinitely fat because they continue to eat more and do less? Well its because its not as simple as you think it is