
"I'm not saying I'll know it when I see it. I'm saying, if you know what you are doing (and more often that not I think I do) you will get good output"

I think its more than modeling and tooling... it is a lot to do with relevance. You may use the right models and tools to analyze third quarter defense for a group of players and that is all well and good but the most fundamental question is "Is that relevant to anything worth caring about?". The models and tools will

I actually I believe them and the reasoning is straight forward. If it is so obvious that the right thing to do is run the ball then it cannot be so obvious that that is the best thing to do. Why? If you know this, what do you think the defense who is paid to know these things is thinking?

How do you know bad analytics from good analytics? If the answer is results then we have a problem since it is difficult to trace the effects of analytics to any result good or bad.

For most non-trivial endeavors the future remains very uncertain.

So why did he wait till he was cut before saying this? So this is really about being cut then.

Raising money for <blank> research is usually bullshit.

Yeah you don't get it. Let me explain how it looks from the average man's perspective

I tend to be a skeptical of the wearables revolution so I was intrigued when I saw this headline but even I think the entire Jez interpretation is bulshit.

I don't think I'm missing the point. My point is that a magazine cover having the power to make a LOT of women uncomfortable and feel shitty about themselves is the problem. You can enact a law to outlaw magazines but sooner or later something else will come around and make you feel shitty about yourself. So you are

Yeah thats gay

hey... why do you care?.. just be whoever YOU are or whoever YOU want to be. The very fact that a magazine cover makes you feel inadequate is the problem. Sorry but its going to very difficult to protect you from all magazine covers and any other trivialities that make you feel inadequate. The world, unfortunately, is

so it's no to marriage but yes to pregnancy? But besides that she seems intelligent.

The ideology here is the idea that anything that involves numbers is superior and more rigorous that anything that doesn't just because there are numbers of involved. The problem is quantitative analysis is still infinitely malleable and hasn't been shown to provide superior solutions than alternative methods. If that

Of course I know he scored. That is fairly obvious and not under dispute. My post had nothing to do with the outcome.

Is your point then that a good strategic for a corner kick to make it a direct shot on goal?

"because Bradley's ball was so well-struck that it curled right inside the post all on its own."

Even if that involves taking our hundreds of thousands of innocent people who's crime is simply living in the wrong end of the world? Its easy for Americans to take these position because you don't have any family members who happen to live in Iraq and have not beheaded anyone lately. Sure to you it is probably worth

This is why even those who are against the terrorists don't find the Americans that much more comforting. In an article that shows concerns about the possibility of a civilian collateral damage you come with your big swinging dick to destroy all plant and animal life in the area with the push of a button. Coward.

No A little bit more