
or put more simply: Rodman does not agree with me, he therefore must be evil

Thanks for your thoughtful post. I will add those books to my reading list.

I am a large black man and I have absolutely no issues living in America. The only issue I have is people like you and the author of this post treating our people like children with no sense of self determination. Oh white people are out to get us so I guess we're all fucked then because we are clearly incapable of

I am a dark skinned person (African) and I have absolutely no issues living in America. The only issue I have is people like the the author of this post treating our people like children with no sense of self determination. Oh white people are out to get us so I guess we're all fucked then because we are clearly

Thank you thank you thank you!

except that no one is making that argument. Ditka isn't saying the police need more assault vehicles. The law abiding citizens who live in rough neighborhoods need the police to stay active in them. White outrage happy liberals who will never step foot in the inner cities are all like "fuck the police"

You're right, the savings is usually calculated compared to not having a programmable thermostat at all. All it is is a Wi-Fi thermostat that you can control remotely. The learning feature is laughable.

You're right, the savings is usually calculated compared to not having a programmable thermostat at all. All it is

I think you're missing the point entirely. He is not talking shit about brand robots, quite the contrary. He is asking why he can't also be a brand robot for Budweiser. Its a relevant question

Of course the players have to get a piece of the league's sponsorship deal, just like they get a piece of every revenue source the NFL has. How is it dispensed, is it simply factored into the salary cap or does every player get a check every year of their portion of the 45%? Either way this is not the same as allowing

I don't think there would be a fan revolt if players weren't mandated to talk to the media. Only the media cares about receiving cliched answers to same dumb questions every week. So no the $7B has very little to do with mandatory media availability. It only serves to keep reporters employed.

what are those means?... you are failing to answer the questions posed to you. What the exactly would you do differently... "They have a CBA, you know" doesn't answer the question because the CBA allows for Goodell's actions.

I believe in evolution the same way I believe that my mother is who she says she is. I don't have any memory of my birth and haven't taken a DNA test to verify the claim. However all the evidence points in the direction that my mother is who she says she is. Now there is a greater than zero chance that I have read the

Good question... what happens when doing your job conflicts with the victim's best interest?

So I wish we had another word for this that wasn't rape. I just have trouble with using the same word for both this and 50 year old man forcibly raping a 15 year old girl. Both are certainly bad but its okay to admit they are not equally bad. Someone who thinks spanking a child and water boarding a child or murdering

Given that I born in Africa and lived there until after high school, I kind of lived without industrialized food supply for the first 17 years of my life so I know exactly what I am talking about. I know what its like to have a farm and eat off it. I know what its like to not have access to anything but real food that

Nope we really don't. We've taken simple foods, thrown it into the processed food industry and out come products that maximize profits and as a side effect doesn't immediately kill us. You can argue that for this reason we are able to feed more people but that doesn't make the food safer or us better off.

As long as school districts remain targets for litigious parents these sort of overreaction will continue to be the cheapest and most reasonable strategy. Measured reactions gets you sued when your measurements are off by a millimeter

I wouldn't presume that every state that enforces a standard minimum wage with or without tips will all of a sudden have its entire restaurant industry collapse. Restaurants will be alive and thriving (more or less) whether the wait staff is paid in 100% tips or the minimum wage is tripled. Demand for their product,

So your idea is to raise salaries to minimum wage AND keep tips? You realize that is going to raise food prices and everyone can argue about what that does to demand and the size tips but there will be some sort of impact. If there wasn't restaurant owners will be stupid to not raise food prices regardless.

This is probably the most puzzling exchange I've ever had on Gawker and that is saying quite a bit. Thanks for summarizing it all.