Good question... what happens when doing your job conflicts with the victim's best interest?
Good question... what happens when doing your job conflicts with the victim's best interest?
So I wish we had another word for this that wasn't rape. I just have trouble with using the same word for both this and 50 year old man forcibly raping a 15 year old girl. Both are certainly bad but its okay to admit they are not equally bad. Someone who thinks spanking a child and water boarding a child or murdering…
Given that I born in Africa and lived there until after high school, I kind of lived without industrialized food supply for the first 17 years of my life so I know exactly what I am talking about. I know what its like to have a farm and eat off it. I know what its like to not have access to anything but real food that…
Nope we really don't. We've taken simple foods, thrown it into the processed food industry and out come products that maximize profits and as a side effect doesn't immediately kill us. You can argue that for this reason we are able to feed more people but that doesn't make the food safer or us better off.
As long as school districts remain targets for litigious parents these sort of overreaction will continue to be the cheapest and most reasonable strategy. Measured reactions gets you sued when your measurements are off by a millimeter
I wouldn't presume that every state that enforces a standard minimum wage with or without tips will all of a sudden have its entire restaurant industry collapse. Restaurants will be alive and thriving (more or less) whether the wait staff is paid in 100% tips or the minimum wage is tripled. Demand for their product,…
So your idea is to raise salaries to minimum wage AND keep tips? You realize that is going to raise food prices and everyone can argue about what that does to demand and the size tips but there will be some sort of impact. If there wasn't restaurant owners will be stupid to not raise food prices regardless.
No its not a common tackling technique, it is usually easier to simply use your body mass to bring down the ball carrier.
Well then if this is not making it up as you go then please provide the college football rule that prescribes what you are saying. Again, all the defender is trying to do is bring down the ball carrier. Once air borne you are either going to be dropped on your lower extremity or on your upper extremity. If we can…
the head first part is clearly accidental, the defender had little to do with that, the ramming part follows from being lifted off the ground because gravity. You can't make up rules as you go
Commentators noted it could have been called a personal foul
Seen enough... just picked him up in fantasy
if I'm aware of an example of anything then it is equally as likely as everything, why? Because I want it to be so and if you suggest otherwise you're not only factually wrong, I'm also better than you as a person.
my guess is you're not a sports nor do you know any sports fans.
There is no reason to expect his replacement to be any better at whatever it is you think Goodell did wrong. I mean we once thought he was the savior who would clean things up.
Goodell not making himself a moral enforcer is exactly what got him to where he is now. There is no way to win on this. There is nothing he can do that can receive positive reviews at this point. If he does nothing he is going to get ripped if he does something, anything, he will get ripped.
football refs suck compared to what?
By your utterly stupid logic we should also refrain from calling holding until the rice situation is addressed to your satisfaction. You are an idiot
Some ref threw a flag on a play that is not the same as the nfl fucking up. I know the nfl is an easy target right now but let's wait until it actually does something before piling on
inequality and unfairness are not that same thing. does everyone who work at your company doing the same job make the same amount of money? no. is that unfair? not necessarily.