
I watched a few of her videos and I think she is definitely more fact based than traditional feminists. However I always worry when someone stakes a career on a position that they may be less likely to be aware of when the other side is right and they are wrong. It is just very difficult in this day and age to find

What do we do when people doing what they want doesn't result in equal outcomes? Are you aware of any laws that guarantee equal distribution by gender in the absences of significant discriminatory behavior?

no no no.... just answer the damn question. The origins of culture and socialization is not obvious. Claiming it's so obvious that you wouldn't address the question makes it sound awfully like you don't have an answer.

my response about academic feminism was directed to another commenter. At least that is how it looks in my view. I asked you about what biological process limits gender differences to physical traits and only episodic behavioral ones. If there isn't any, why would you even think that? It would be just as arbitrary as

I asked a question, you respond that you know the answer then I ask you to tell me the answer and you respond with a non sequitur. Let's try this again, could you just let me know the answer to the question that you say is being studied by academic feminists? Thanks

I think you already know what my point is. I believe I also asked a specific question. It appears you're waiting for an apology before you consider answering. I'm very sorry.

One way to avoid addressing a point that threatens your preferred position is to manufacture outrage about the use of a curse word not directed at you personally but simply used in a sentence.... You are always free to go hang out at the Disney message boards and let the adults be. Around these parts even the

Sorry but you're engaging in wishful science. There are no laws of nature that limit sex differences to physical traits and only episodic behavioral traits. If there is please explain to us the physiology of such a restriction. What you are doing here is imposing your personal desires on the physical world. Whatever

you appear to be the one uncomfortable with reality. Anyway so what is the answer to the question? My guess is you're not providing an answer because there isn't one or at least there isn't one that is consistent with your worldview which of course is the only type of answer that is allowed to exist.

I apologize. I understand your position now

Can we dig on further and consider the origins of cultural bias. Is it random? If not where does it come from?

What influences society and where did it come from? Nobody ever addresses that question. It's almost like society is this thing we found on earth just like nitrogen and oxygen.

You've listed many differences between men and women that makes the contribution of women necessary for diversified of thought. What if one of the differences is that women do not want tech jobs at the same rate men do , what gives? Do we still force them into tech so, as you put it, we can benefit from the woman's

The benefit for me comes when I don't need to carry a wallet anymore.

No its not a common tackling technique, it is usually easier to simply use your body mass to bring down the ball carrier.

Well then if this is not making it up as you go then please provide the college football rule that prescribes what you are saying. Again, all the defender is trying to do is bring down the ball carrier. Once air borne you are either going to be dropped on your lower extremity or on your upper extremity. If we can

the head first part is clearly accidental, the defender had little to do with that, the ramming part follows from being lifted off the ground because gravity. You can't make up rules as you go

Commentators noted it could have been called a personal foul

Seen enough... just picked him up in fantasy

if I'm aware of an example of anything then it is equally as likely as everything, why? Because I want it to be so and if you suggest otherwise you're not only factually wrong, I'm also better than you as a person.