
my guess is you're not a sports nor do you know any sports fans.

There is no reason to expect his replacement to be any better at whatever it is you think Goodell did wrong. I mean we once thought he was the savior who would clean things up.

Goodell not making himself a moral enforcer is exactly what got him to where he is now. There is no way to win on this. There is nothing he can do that can receive positive reviews at this point. If he does nothing he is going to get ripped if he does something, anything, he will get ripped.

football refs suck compared to what?

By your utterly stupid logic we should also refrain from calling holding until the rice situation is addressed to your satisfaction. You are an idiot

Some ref threw a flag on a play that is not the same as the nfl fucking up. I know the nfl is an easy target right now but let's wait until it actually does something before piling on

inequality and unfairness are not that same thing. does everyone who work at your company doing the same job make the same amount of money? no. is that unfair? not necessarily.

No its not... fairness is not achieved when everything is equal. Reggie Wayne is paid more than Rogers... is it equal? no. is it fair? yes

"McCoy was never diagnosed with a concussion, despite being dazed enough by helmet-to-helmet contact that he was helped from the field. Good protocols, NFL! Job well done."

when would you guys stop covering the nfl?

this whole who saw what tape when nonsense is just a massive diversion to distract the heard of idiots. Who the fuck cares whether the tape was seen or not when we were already told what was in it. If you saw the tape and thought "well that changes everything" you're a bigger idiot than someone who saw the tape and

They are feeding us horseshit because we have proven over and over again that we cannot handle the real facts, unfairness and ugliness of the real world. We are the ones who continue to delude ourselves that NFL is supposed to be something it has no business being or something it cannot reasonably achieve. If we

Where can I get one of those meal tickets? NY school teacher, policecop, sports star, any others?

I am sure everyone who benefits from his charity agree with you. You sound a pompous idiot who cannot hold 2 thoughts in his brain at the same time. Yes he abused his child, no that doesn't mean he cannot give back.

Can you post the rest of your team that you aren't cutting here?

trying to align entertainment and morality is a good way to zero out your entertainment budget. Essentially nothing is clean. We are all here commenting on and drawing a paycheck from a site that posted the kate Upton's stolen nudes hence profiting from the leak. Also you probably don't want to look too closely at

yeah except for the part where your fantasy team is not actually real

that's because no one in their right mind cuts someone on a can't cut list unless they are trying to cheat our collude with another owner

they could also protest by quitting fantasy football

so just quit fantasy football if this means so much to you.