we've arrived at 9/11 truther territory. Everything can be shown to be part of the grand scheme. Congrats
we've arrived at 9/11 truther territory. Everything can be shown to be part of the grand scheme. Congrats
if you're being honest with yourself you will admit there is nothing the nfl can do at this point that you wouldn't think is part of the cover up. This is how conspiracy theories perpetuate. all attempts at discrediting or investigating them is seen as part of the conspiracy.
ok make your own fucking proposal then.
No one knows why it matters if the NFL saw the video or not except but we know we should be outraged about something.
How about we adjust for race and gender?
yeah but is there a video for us to gawk at?
Presuming they actually had not seen the video before today, what did Bisciotti and the rest of the Ravens think a punch that knocked a human being out cold looked like?
May be that makes us all feel better but it would also be important to note that it will not prevent a single case of domestic abuse. Someone who is willing to accept a 2 game ban for domestic abuse is also willing to accept 6. More accurately they're not thinking about the punishment at all.
We can all agree violence is a bad idea. However is it sufficiently clear to us why someone who uses violence against a woman is against women instead of simply a violent dirt bag. Does Ray Rice have a history of targeting women because they are women? I don't think so. So why not just label him a violent dirtbag…
True... but also if you care about brains and still support the NFL you're probably also a hypocrite. If you care about privacy and you work for or visit a media company that posted stolen nudes of Kate Upton you're probably also a hypocrite.
wait why is this a civil suit?
sounds like something that should be applied to all forms of violence. On what basis do we condone violence against men?
http://deadspin.com/justin-verland… ... here it was only a crosspost away from you but also under the same umbrella media company. Jezebel cannot come out criticizing reddit when across the hallway someone in their company is running the photos. It would make sense to start by cleaning your own house or at least…
Nope the pictures are still on deadspin http://deadspin.com/justin-verland…
If you are okay generalizing others you have to be okay being generalized as well. So let me guess you're not good at math? See how that goes?
Preach!...she is quite often very offensive and its amazing to watch most of the commenters her nod along to her bigotry. I mean who is going to disagree with a black woman regardless of what it is she is saying. Its sad
You're commenting on a website that posted the pictures for people to look at and you seem to see no harm in doing so.
Actually Gawker media posted the kate upton photos... it can still be seen here http://deadspin.com/justin-verland…
Oh the configure dissonance !
A DE's job is mostly to rush the QB. If Sam was a rush specialist he wasn't going to be cut he'd be more like on his way to being the next Simeon Rice. Referring to a DE as a rush specialist is like calling an RB a running specialist