thanks for adding nothing but your worship of nate silver to the discussion. Since he is god his picks should be infallible so go ahead abrs bet your life on them. Let me know when you have any arguments against my original position.
thanks for adding nothing but your worship of nate silver to the discussion. Since he is god his picks should be infallible so go ahead abrs bet your life on them. Let me know when you have any arguments against my original position.
I bet the children in South Sudan would like to settle for some MREs and not being raped all the time ... fuck these pussies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Grandmother of God
Mexicali Blue in Poughkeepsie NY FTW The achiote burrito is beyond comprehension... and I am supposed to hate burritos.
the Nigerian team is all wrong. The language of origin is wrong and the pronunciation is simply how an American would say it. There were no natives involved at all
The problem is we will spend a lot of time discussing the unknowable and this doesn't make it knowable. The outcome of the world cup matches is to a more or less extent an unknowable. There is no data to mine to find the answers because they don't (yet) exist. Yes if Brazil plays Honduras Brazil probably going to win…
So you'd be shocked if you they don't forgo their lucrative employment with European clubs to defect to Brazil?
this is quite stupid. You simply solved the problem by narrowly considering a scenario where there is no problem.
this is exactly what I was thinking. They didn't actually solve the problem
thank you
so who do you expect to at work finding the next Rodgers? Also why isn't that person you?
to be honest I feel the same way about that song as I do about the pitt bull song. Close but no cigar. It just feels like it's missing the ooomph of a wc song. First time I heard waka waka I almost had tears in my eyes same with ricky martin in 1998
most Brazilians never wanted the wc to start it wouldn't matter what the song says or who is singing it. Anyway my issue was with you saying the song was garbage. I'd be interested to know what song wc or not that you don't find to be garbage
Ugh enough with the juvenile trolling accusations. It doesnt appear you know what the word means.
I have no idea what the first part of your comment means. You'd prefer the song to focus on crime and poverty? My guess is if it did you'd complain about that. Also every wc song ever had been culturally "washed".
when you say pitt bull is bad what exactly do you mean? Is this something you can show objectively or just your own personal opinion. I don't like pitt bull either but I wouldn't say he is bad since there is little objective means of judging music.
No one ever liked a song because it has international representation. I don't think one needs to provide a reason for not liking music since there often no coherent reason. The most liked wc song was a Puerto Rican guy singing about the French event. Everyone ignored all the issues with that because the song sounded…
I don't get it there is concern for both Hard Knocks and reality shows of all kinds. You can make the point that there shouldn't be any concern for Sam's reality show without using a faulty equivalence. NFL teams generally avoid being on Hard Knocks as well as reality shows of all kinds. Yes the impact of such…
Again Hard Knocks is a bad example since teams are not clamoring to do it.
NFL has policies in place to force teams to do Hard Knocks... thats a bad example yo.