
The problem is we will spend a lot of time discussing the unknowable and this doesn't make it knowable. The outcome of the world cup matches is to a more or less extent an unknowable. There is no data to mine to find the answers because they don't (yet) exist. Yes if Brazil plays Honduras Brazil probably going to win

So you'd be shocked if you they don't forgo their lucrative employment with European clubs to defect to Brazil?

this is quite stupid. You simply solved the problem by narrowly considering a scenario where there is no problem.

this is exactly what I was thinking. They didn't actually solve the problem

thank you

if you find all body parts beautiful then what exactly does beautiful mean.

where do I keep my stuff? Most cars are as much a storage locker as it is a car

so who do you expect to at work finding the next Rodgers? Also why isn't that person you?

Wait how did we ever eat food before these chemical cleansers?


Humans have been eating ruminants since day one whether domesticated or not, that is as regression tested as it gets. The problems came with human industrialization and attempting to convert ruminants into corn processing plants.

What if we are already complaining about all of that and the general inability/difficulty to opt out of the optimizations the food industry is making on our behalf for ends we really don't care for.

Is your point then that ammonia treated hamburger is preferable to non ammonia treated hamburger?

No one has to make a choice between spinach and pink slime beef. Eating spinach and opting for less processed hamburger meat is an improvement is an option that people should be free to make because the processed food industry isn't necessarily making decisions with our long term health in mind.

yeah so no one really knows if early detection helps but there is a lot of economic incentives favoring an assumption that it helps when in doubt.

Frequent hand washing is a very good idea when contagious diseases are floating around, but it's the washing, not the triclosan, that lessens your chance of getting sick. Using an

So he was clocked going 12mph I'm guessing using an actual clock

to be honest I feel the same way about that song as I do about the pitt bull song. Close but no cigar. It just feels like it's missing the ooomph of a wc song. First time I heard waka waka I almost had tears in my eyes same with ricky martin in 1998

most Brazilians never wanted the wc to start it wouldn't matter what the song says or who is singing it. Anyway my issue was with you saying the song was garbage. I'd be interested to know what song wc or not that you don't find to be garbage