
Defenses miss tackles because the offense is also drawing a pay check. There aren't any opportunities in the nfl for this form wrap up tackles you speak of. That only happens when you address an immobile tackling dummy straight up. If you looked at that play and thought "yeah that should be an easy wrap up " then you

You don't sound very intelligent so i hate to get into an argument with you but here we go: get up and try to hit or tackle something in front of you without leading with your head. Ok if you're not leading with your head what are you leading with? Shoulder? How could you achieve this.... did you decapitate your head

Show me a human that can memorize the location of 300 acorns ... it's almost like we describe superiority as whatever it is we do better

Intelligence though is another issue... that doesn't necessarily have to be a norm. I once read that expecting to find advanced intelligence is similar to an elephant expecting elephant trunks to evolve someone else in the universe given its utility on earth.

Jesus ever loving Christ. I am black (born in Africa), I work in a predominantly white world .. the other day someone in a meeting used the phrase "the african elephant in the room" dismissively. It upset me, we talked we're cool. Now lets me just say some of the white people here are embarrassing. How can't you

You could argue the call is the best call any human could've made under the conditions but that is not the same as saying the call was right.

Gus is simply a matter of taste you either like his excitement or you don't but it's not qualitatively good or bad just like jazz or hip-hop.

Thanks for the link... that says it much better.

So why do Americans have this odd fetish for their military? Its great to appreciate folks who chose jobs I wouldn't do which is essentially the same way I feel about coal miners or whoever picks up roadkill. My bigger issue is with ascribing to the military benefits they are not responsible for.

In most mammals males compete, females choose... female may have a diverse set of criteria for choosing however it is usually in the interest of the each male to make it less likely other males are able to present themselves for judgement hence aggression might become a strategy to dissuade competition.

Of course both sexes are aggressive, get breast cancer, have testicles, are autistic, play college football, rape and commit other violent crimes etc if your standard is simply the existence of a behavior or trait in at least one member of the sex. Everyone knows this but it is not terribly informative when the

For most mammals a non-aggressive male doesn't have to worry about mates and offsprings in the first place. There is a reason why larger size and other aggression aides such horns, tusks, lean muscle etc is adaptive in most animals.

So what is the scarce resource females are competing for? Men's reproductive capacity is practically infinite so there is no shortage there. Evolutionary speaking most if not all women who want to get pregnant will get pregnant.

Is this supposed to make men feel "shitty" about having or not having these things? Also any chance this was supposed to be funny?

You do realize IVF is an upper class commodity

So yes Incognito is not up for person of the year however I just think there is quite possibly more to this than meets the eye.I also think that if it wasn't for the racial element a lot more people would be bold enough to take a more measured stance. Listen whether you like it or not, an NFL locker room is

Jesus WTF are you talking about?... this is like saying that whites who can afford a Ferrari have a better standard of living than people of other ethnicities who also have Ferarris

Again context still matters. My group of friends is a combination of Arabians, Cubans, Puerto-ricans, a dude from Buffalo, an Indian (married to the cuban), a jew (married one of the puerto ricans) and a Nigerian (me). If you recorded our conversations during football Sunday or our contentious arguments and played it

Is it possible they know something you don't know? that they have a contextual framework that you don't have? ..... or we could go with your apparent theory that black men in the Dolphins locker room are racists embracing, self hating idiots.

My apologies for the rudeness.