
Yeah, it’s downright impressive how much the joke was missed. Like, wowww.

They’re cool with “black people”? By culturally appropriating the culture but not casting a single person of color while mocking a musical genre they invented?

The man loves a dad joke.

Get your reserved judgement and reasonable critical-thinking skills out here! This is the internet.

Clinton comes off as super condescending in this, but I don’t feel like I can cast judgement on the exchange as a whole since I have no fucking clue what anyone is saying until that last line.

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?

Yeah, let’s tale hygiene tips from the French. What’s next dental care advice from the Brits?

How do we know it wasn’t her personal choice? With all of those photographers around, I don’t blame her for wanting to breast pump in privacy. We can’t just assume she was “forced”, as this article imply.

Amurri cites more evidence in the full post, but basically the nanny’s behavior after the text suggest that it was no accident. If it were a mistake, most people would send an OMG OMG NOT FOR YOU TEXT as soon as they realized what happened. Also, the nanny was weirdly hanging out in their bedroom for no reason (the

Between this odd story and the Ben Affleck nanny situation, I feel bad for actual nannies. I feel like more often than not, they are dealing with advances from their employer rather than coming onto the employer.

Oh, TMZ.

I only made it halfway through the movie before turning it off, but I thought the difference between her and Dornan was striking in terms of dealing with legitimately horribly written characters. She managed to come across as a real human being and he seemed like, well, a mediocre actor being tortured by a very poorly

Yeah, she was legitimately good in that horrible movie. Kind of sours me a bit to the Razzies in general, to be honest (which I ordinarily side with completely.)

Okay I’m not saying she was excellent, but Dakota Johnson was the only decent thing about that movie (besides the soundtrack obviously). You’re really telling me Katherine Heigl was better than Dakota Johnson?

Now playing

Awesome. I’ve been waiting for some one to do stuff like this ever since I saw the Gregory Brothers do it a while back.


i find her incredibly badass and, all things considered, very classy. shit is flung at her and her family at an unbelievable rate and her family tends to engage, but what i hear of kim is good- she’s kind, polite and doesn’t engage. i think it’s disgusting how much people focus on a sex tape she did years ago making

Lesbians, page 195.

Remember when Lily Allen went to Kate Hudsons Halloween Party in 2014? Dressed as Dr. Luke complete with Dr Luke - Gynaecology Department badge. Some saw it as poking fun at Kesha but I think it was her way of highlighting that he is a literal nightmare. And she’s worked with him.

This is so not the hill I’d want to die on, but: