
Yeah, this stuff is definitely not in your average mall.

I mean, it took me 10 seconds to research the fact that she’s white. The author of an article that thousands of people may end up reading can be expected to do the same.

I’m kind of under the impression the author of this story doesn’t even realize Alicia Vikander is 100% white.

Just FYI: Alicia Vikander is 100% Caucasian. I kind of felt like the article was implying she is a woman of color in the context of her cover photo placement.

It’s killing me that Fates and Furies is on this list. I have never HATED a book more than this one. I can’t bring myself to sum up all the reasons I disliked this look in an eloquent way, so I’ll just take some quotes from a g-chat conversation I had with my best friend, who also just finished reading Fates and

He is SO GD FIIINE in that.

I feel like someone must have had a hat full of every celebrity name in the world, drew out two names, and that’s how the coupledom of Katie Holmes and Jamie Fox came to be.

Not to mention it was make NO SENSE if she were in any of these prequels. It’s pretty well established she was just hunting with her bangin’ hot guy friend for the years prior to where The Hunger Games picks up.

I had this exact experience! I even “science”d it by only using the Batiste on the non-thinning side... then, sure enough, that side started thinning while the other side of my head I wasn’t spraying it on started growing back.

Yeah, I know the difference. I just have better things to do then check my internet comments for perfect grammar.

Objectively speaking... impressive reflexes.

Yes. That’s what I’m saying. The person asked if American’s would be let back in even if they are Muslim, I’m saying that the answer is no since Trump made a blanket statement about Muslims, regardless of nationality. I am not implying that Muslims are not Americans.

He didn’t say American’s would be allowed back in. Just that any Muslim wouldn’t.

What type of “legislation, naturally?”

I agree that’s how her approach comes off in the article... she’s not wrong though. Taylor Swift dedicated a whole music video to the message “look at all of the attractive and popular friends I back off, bitch.”

Shadow from having large lips.

Lol. Don’t hold your breath.

No one is saying that. It was obviously the 4th-down, 85-yard touchdown pass from Iowa.

Let me fix this for you...

I find it strange that Jezebel is more concerned with intellectual property issues than the feminist ideas behind Cara Delevingne’s campaign, which get almost zero discussion in this article.