
So, since she said something lovely, thoughtful, and feminist... she's obviously petty and actually thinks the opposite?

Yes, I guess I do not see the two as being mutually exclusive. I mean, I do not literally think the inanimate object had intent to harm my mom... But I guess one's perspective on the matter could probably correlate to their feelings on the statement that "guns don't kill people, people kill people". I still don't

This is accurate. Even very large fibroids do not require a hysterectomy if removed invasively. My mom was given the choice between the laparoscopic procedure (with morcellation) or invasively via scalpel. It ended up being the most important decision of her life.

From what I understand, that is not how medical device reimbursement works.

I've been waiting for Jezebel to cover this issue because it hits so close to home.

Yeah, you are definitely right. That is some REAL bullshit. Pretty explicit.

"Sexpert Says Feminism Has Made You Shitty in Bed"
I'm all for calling out this article on its various bullshit, but the piece never mentions "feminism" or anything resembling it. The lead is also misleading: "Feminism: Taking rights from men and giving them to women; turning once pleasure-giving women into lazy,