
This is awesome!! However, I still long for the days when stories such as this one will not be headline worthy and will be considered common occurrences.

There's some Tumblr post floating around saying "I don't understand how women don't orgasm from putting a tampon in." The extent to which people don't understand sex and women's bodies in regards to sex boggles the mind.

You say to your friend, "Look, she wants to wear tampons. She can either get them from you and you can be involved in guiding her through a complex time in her life, or she'll get them from her friends and you lose out on establishing a relationship where she feels comfortable talking to you about what's happening to

A tampon is the least sexy thing, like, ever. I don't even.

The weather is very strange in here.

Advocating for a range of acceptable behavior for those who identify as male or female does not presume some hierarchy whereby they have to conform to hegemonic masculinity or femininity. If a transgender person who identifies as female wants to drive monster trucks, that's cool with me too. Can't speak for all the


The hyenas totally make the picture.

That's sad :'(. I hope the experience overall will be positive for her though! I'm sure there are enough nice people at her school to make her feel better again, since they did all vote for her after all :).

Is there something YOU care to share with the rest of us about you and your dog?

Psychology is a science. I realize that's a handy little catchphrase to cloak your hateful bullshit in but there are some major flaws in that logic.

I will not feed the trolls. I will not feed the trolls.

This is wonderful. But then this happened:

Man, get the hell out of here with this transphobic shit. This is a feel-good story.

I think you're confused about what article you're commenting on, here. This one is about a teenage girl.

There is still hope for this world.


Luxembourg's royal family looks an awful lot like it belongs on the set of a television series.

Luxembourg was too small to contain her train?