I've been thinking about this a lot since the Sara Silverman/W Kamau Bell interview where she talked about how it feels to be called "old".
I've been thinking about this a lot since the Sara Silverman/W Kamau Bell interview where she talked about how it feels to be called "old".
not shocking, when hollywood is run by men who refuse to grow up for an audience of young men who aren't grown up
Is it not strange, though, to call out The Counselor which is at least hiring 41 year old and a 39 year old actresses to play the two female leads in a movie where the male lead is 36? Surely most casting directors would've given those parts to 23 year olds. Okay, fuck the photoshop on the poster, but...
There was a reason for her hysterics- Stanley Kubrick abused the hell out of her during the filming process. She was literally terrified to make any other moves the entire time.
I completely disagree with King's reading of Duvall's acting, and I think her take on the character had a lot of depth, intelligence, and resilience to it. Actually, considering that Kubrick made The Shining into a pretty transparent study on domestic abuse and Shelly Duvall's Wendy ended up escaping, I can't help…
Well but Mr. King, to be fair, see Mr. Kubrick was trying to make a secret-coded movie about how we fake landed on the moon and stuff so sometimes when you're doing that it is hard to incorporate multi-dimensional female characters. It just is. Just ask anybody who has made a secret-coded movie about how we faked…
I wrote an e-mail to my sorority (Tri Delta) expressing my concern after reading your original post about this. I know many of my Tri Delta friends did the same. I received an e-mail saying that they were investigating the situation... I was worried that they would come back and say they found no problems. But…
I would be interested to hear from the newly-accepted sorority sisters after college, to know about their experiences. I realize sometimes forced inclusion is the only way to spark change, but it has to be hard to be one of the first forcibly-included members of a previously exclusionary group. Perhaps their…
Jon Hamm and Amy Poehler! I am deeeeefinitely not winning an Emmy! You can send my invite now.
I'm no Jon Gosselin fan, but I don't blame him. Being hounded by the paparazzi would probably make me go off the deep end too. He didn't try to shoot her. He was just protecting his privacy because he doesn't want to end up with paps following him around again.
Sadface for Tim Gunn, and not just because of not being able to come out to his parents. The "already presented my family with a lot of disappointments" bit makes me wonder what sort of family he had and what on earth they expected of him. He had a long and apparently well-received career as an educator, then followed…
Real talk though, where ARE The magazines that talk about Nuclear warfare and bras that fit? This idea should not be left on the cutting room floor.
Poor guy. I hope that he's ok.
Snap Poll:
How many of you originally thought the man was the groom?
I did.
Ok seriously though, lets clarify this one: JT is NOT Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody was a legendary exception, and it's exactly this logic that makes JT think this is ok. He thinks he is on the same level as Queen, and no one has the heart to tell him that all his songs sound the same and for all we know this is just a…
WE're surprised this guy
Just proves that people have no patience for anything. I have no problem with a 7-minute single - as long as it's good. Heck, make your single as long as you want, as long as it's good.
I just transcribed a documentary for work about Queen. When they released "Bohemian Rhapsody," all the radio stations were like, "Um, a seven-minute single? No thank you." But Queen said, "Fuck you. Play it or don't, but we're not going to cut it down." It changed Top 40 radio forever.
I liked Stephen Cobert's comment about the Miss America contest this week: they have been working on diversity and now they are open to size 0 -2.