
Not canada, surely not halifax, yer like the nicest politest considerate people ever, not ye too! Oh Canada your better then this!

But now ya see, as hilarious as that post was, I now have raindrops keep falling on my head song stuck in my head and the hideous mental association with such a pleasant song is quite disturbing.

I cant look at these pictures without seeing the images of bodies transposed. I cant see her with teens without remembering 1 million children are refugees. I cant see her smiling well dressed healthy and wealthy, without seeing the refugee camps. I am so far away in all senses from whats happening in Syria I wish we

Salty essence? I'll stick to herbal essence thank you very much. Someone thinks a bit much of himself, or too little if you take that much pride in a body fluid. My snots got dna in it too dude, dont see me harpying on about it. Also verbally masturbating about yer spunk is bit too on the nose for me.

Same here, I have like 3 followers, 2 mates that found me and one randomer who doesnt seem to use their account anymore, jackpot! I mostly use twitter to follow political stuff but the internet keeps telling my self worth is judged by how many people follow me on twitter so I guess I've failed as a person :)

Thats so true! Not saying I do it all the time but I have been known to get my rage on over shit that was stupid/sarcasm. I think in alot of cases we never jump on the people/things that really annoys us , some poor fecker says wrong thing at wrong time and gets blasted with all the frustration from the other stuff .

Ah talk about disappointed, that headline is highly misleading I thought he was gonna be ripped shirtless and fratty in Neighbours, the australian soap! Im not a fan of either but the randomness and wtf aspect really appealled to me, gutted .

Good analogy. Except I at least believe the anti-choice wackos dont like abortions, peta dont give a flying fiddlers fuck about animals. I mean Peta itself, im sure they have supporters who are well intentioned.

Bah PETA, ruining animals rights for animals and activists, one pointless ad campaign at a time. Can we put PETA and morrissey on an island somewhere so we can leave it to the people that actually give a shit, actually save lives, that actually give comfort and compassion, actually change things. Whats that 30 rock

Cool thanks for the background, just thought it was a random pic, my joke about my equus issues seems bit douchy now I know its some dudes work... mea culpa.

Thats awful! Maybe the bro thing isnt as bad here or Im just sheltered but I've never come across this before, I wont say Im shocked by this but a bit taken aback, its just wrong.

I totally missed the previous convictions bit. If he has a pattern, its prob not gonna be the last time he does something like this. Im thinking even if shes ok in this case, it cant hurt having a clear record of his behaviour, it may help someone in future who needs to prove he has pattern of this shit.

I was defensive about your comment then I reread mine, realised it did sound wanky and wanted to punch myself. I'll give myself a slap on the wrist this time for what its worth if I'd said "literally the minute" then I would already have clocked myself, no questions asked...

Woah that dudes intense, he needs to chill out! The volume wasnt even up that much and I still found myself leaning back from the screen, he has some issue!

Oh thank god I first read it as these beautiful dresses were made using maggots!

I dont know what the context for this image is, but managed it bring back all the memories I thought id repressed of learning that weird Equus book back in college. I couldnt look a horse in the face for months after reading that, and I've just got done repressing it after the weird Harry Potter

eek I was just totally a imagining silly teenager!

All I could think of when I saw the headline was, 9 million OTHER americans need to stop hogging the doobie and pass that shit along...

Im presuming your niece was young and stupid at the time or something cos thats messed up. Im glad theyre happy but this is another reason we're all gonna be a lot happier when they stop trying to come up with next viagra and start making the manpill!

If theyre happy then each to their own I guess. I wouldnt be rushing off to get married myself but I get why its important to people. Plus for all I know loadsa people I know might not be getting married cos of expense or something, its seems like lately people there less social pressure on actual marital status