
I know a guy who prides himself on the fact that he will walk into any nice restaurant and demand to speak to the head chef immediately. Then he says "I don't want anything on the menu, I want you to make me your personal best/favorite dish." He is convinced every chef loves him for this. I am convinced otherwise.

I can only imagine the leg waffles this will lead to.

The cat shortly after the rescue.

ugh. . .you capitalized Problematic Implications. You're just the worst kind of person.

I'm kind of curious what you did your thesis on — either undergrad or grad.

Oh come on, don't act like bread soaked in bacon grease wouldn't be amazing (in moderation).

I love tunnelbear but surprised no one's mentioned Hola ( It's geo-spoofing plugin for Chrome and it's free! It will tell ITVs servers you have a UK ip address and you can stream from their player.

A program called Tunnelbear. The itv network website and google for a British postal code (the itv player asks for one). There are lots of other programs like Tunnelbear, but that one was the easiest one for me. Using a MacBook Air and then streaming on our big tv.

Damn, how bloody embarrassing.

Hey, don't count eugenics out just yet. I have a strange feeling its going to come back in a big way someday.

How do you tell the "legitmate" breeders from those that "only try to make money"?

Shore had his moments but he was more like a failed experiment in comedy nepotism.

I don't want to start a shitshow, but I am 100% #TeamPaulyShore and I demand you take that back.

I've really come to the point where I find web 1.0 to be far more enjoyable (in retrospect) than what we have now. I recall the days when the majority of websites were personal and simply filled with cool stuff (of a techie/geek variety, generally). Now it's all corporate and walled off and concerned with the killer

This shelter is right near me and I have a tuxedo cat (who is fixed) I really want another kitten and now that I know there are oodles of tuxies right near me I don't think I'll be able to resist.

He's not really into this.

Happiest gal in Rapture?

It's a good thing they finally got engaged. Their hips are probably chafing from all those side hugs.

If she'd have given her cat a different name it would be stabler.