

Just ask her to bring *specific* stuff from now on - like a certain type of cheese or beer or dessert. What is she gonna say, no?

I ALWAYS open the bottle of whatever someone brings and serve them a generous dose of it. That way, if they were dirt cheap, they regret it and are properly embarrassed. Unless they have no taste, in which case I’ll ask them to bring something specific that they can’t screw up. It’s also good to know which of your

Thank you!!! I get a little [too] frustrated with people who freak out about how an adaptation doesn’t do the source material justice. I mean, of COURSE it won’t! But it’s a new way in to the story for people who couldn’t engage with it before, and that is *always* a good thing. The versions in our heads will ALWAYS

thousands to millions of people are now going to get acquainted with this story and read the books so I feel you and I’m sorry no one consulted you but it’s worth it

I mean, the job of the trailer is to get as many people in the door as possible. In general I have found they are not good barometers for tone

Meh, the worst that can happen is that kids get excited/engaged for the wrong reasons. That is still a plus in my mind.

This really deserves more stars.....

“What flirting is O.K.? Was I ever taking advantage of any meager power I had? You start to wonder.”

Oh my god for me it was the MUSIC........ the music at the beginning and end really made my spine tingle and I would have to rush to change the channel to avoid hearing it and god forbid I forget and spend a half hour trying to shake it off.......*shivers*

Omigod I think of that one ALL THE TIME. The way they got closer every time they put on the specs......*shivers*

LOL @ “are going to eat their words”. They are going to double down. It’s been going on all goddamn day.

There is some logic around here that supposedly adds up to you caring more about terrorists than their victims when you say things like that, so watch your back

One of the ways I put food on the table is as a union level Voice Actor. I am well aware of what skills are involved. Spoken Word acting is not at all the same thing, and while some may be good at both, being good at the one does not at all mean you can believably do the other - that goes both ways.

I mean, I’ve got nothing else to do, might be fun to take over a bunch of people’s town. You know, overcrowd some people, waste other people’s school holidays, stand ponderously in a sports field...... it’s the little things.

Seeing as she is playing a lion, I dunno how much acting there will be. She just has to sing and talk well.

Power. Most of these men have power - they are gate keepers, or have creative control, or the kind of executive producer status that *means* something. There are a lot of rumors that are simply spread to hurt the careers of others, so no doubt many victims get into these projects convincing themselves that the rumors

This is objectively true. So far. I am disappointed in her choice because there were so many other incredible options for that part, actors who would have acted the house down, but I won’t begrudge her fans their excitement over her casting. Which is taking a great deal of restraint, but still. ((Are you happy now,

to be clear, I am *that* excited, but then I felt I had to be honest about the “literally” bit

I am literally pissing all over myself